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FreeBSD Tester Leaderboard

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BSD/OS Debian GNU/kFreeBSD Dragonfly BSD
FreeBSD GNU Hurd GNU/Linux
Haiku HP-UX Interix
IRIX MAC Mac OS classic
Mac OS X MidnightBSD MINIX
OS/2 OS390/zOS QNX Neutrino
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202408 202409 All
1 97094 36062 18818916 Chris Williams (BINGOS)
2 19103 6238 5069724 Slaven Rezić (SREZIC)
3 24986 8494 569596 Carlos Guevara
4 - 93 336918 Nigel Horne
5 - - 320025 Brian Greenfield (BRIANG)
6 804 472 149195 David Cantrell (DCANTRELL)
7 - - 70607 Tom Molesworth (TEAM)
8 - - 34673 Steve Wills (SWILLS)
9 - - 27653 pro + gmail com
10 - - 21959 Apocalypse (APOCAL)
11 - - 19592 Yen-Ming Lee (LEEYM)
12 - - 19033 Sergey Aleynikov
13 1846 30 18684 James E Keenan (JKEENAN)
14 - - 17350 Daniel T. Staal (DSTAAL)
15 - - 9553 David Landgren (DLAND)
16 - - 8744 Sean Burkes
17 - - 8462 Randy Stauner (RWSTAUNER)
18 - - 7330 Department of Theatre at Michigan State University
19 - - 6277 Alexandr Evstigneev
20 - - 5699 Nedzad Hrnjica (NHRNJICA)
21 - - 5367 Johannes Plunien (PLU)
22 - - 5297 Serguei Trouchelle (STRO)
23 - 1 4757 Michele Beltrame (ARTHAS)
24 - - 4689 Squeeks (SQUEEK)
25 - - 4446 David Wheeler (DWHEELER)
26 - - 4217 Tom Hukins (TOMHUKINS)
27 - - 3929 Vladimir Timofeev (VOVKASM)
28 - - 3700 Dean Hamstead (DJZORT)
29 - - 3243 Ryan Voots
30 - - 2521 Alain Barbet (ALIAN)
31 - - 2287 Graham Ollis (PLICEASE)
32 - - 1903 Douglas Christopher Wilson (DOUGDUDE)
33 - - 1495 Michiel Beijen
34 - - 1314 Jeroen Latour
35 - - 1121 Dmitry Yaskolko
36 - - 1078 Stanislaw Pusep
37 - - 1049 Masatoshi Haraoka
38 - - 1024 Dans Testorama
39 - - 1017 KUBO Koichi
40 - - 994 Paul Henrichsen
41 - - 969 NONAME
42 - - 868 Jose Luis Martinez (CAPSIDE)
43 - - 799 Roland van Ipenburg (IPENBURG)
44 - - 736 Andy Armstrong (ANDYA)
45 - - 681 Audrey Tang (AUDREYT)
46 - - 563 max-cpan + trashpot org
47 - - 560 Bernt Guldbrandtsen
48 - - 544 Jase Thew
49 - - 510 Ryan Whitworth
50 - - 502 Hajime Murai
51 - - 491 Andreas J. König (ANDK)
52 - - 298 Justin Bentley
53 - - 272 Rendhalver
54 - - 271 Olaf Kolkman (OLAF)
55 - - 264 David Fulton
56 - - 257 Matt Simerson (MSIMERSON)
57 - - 253 Mark Stosberg (MARKSTOS)
58 - - 249 eff + tac2 aaanet ru
59 - - 213 Steffen Beyer (STBEY)
60 - - 167 Eric Cholet (CHOLET)
61 - - 166 Reini Urban (RURBAN)
62 - - 164 Kenichi Ishigaki (ISHIGAKI)
63 - - 164 Sascha Droste (PID)
64 - - 163 Ben Wilber
65 - - 163 UNKNOWN USER
66 - - 158 Paul Vigil
67 - - 157 celavie + reflec net
68 - - 156 Ferreira
69 - - 156 Jonny Schulz (BLOONIX)
70 - - 155 Bernhard Amann
71 - - 151 root + beastie wananchi com
72 - - 144 Hideki Yamamura
73 - - 121 Ferruccio Zamuner (FERZ)
74 - - 107 Artur Silveira da Cunha
75 - - 107 James FitzGibbon (JFITZ)
76 - - 104 Václav Haisman
77 - - 102 choldswo + uk03 firstreserve co uk
78 - - 99 Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni (SAPER)
79 - - 97 cpanplus + zo com
80 - - 95 manager + dodici12 com
81 - - 94 Daniel J. Wright (DWRIGHT)
82 - - 93 Brook Schofield
83 - - 92 root + yes devclue com
84 - - 86 Kirn Gill
85 - - 82 mr.bbon
86 - - 76 dev + gmail com
87 - - 73 Carey Tilden (CBTILDEN)
88 - - 70 Jonathan Leto (LETO)
89 - - 64 Michal Spacek (SKIM)
90 - - 63 Nik Clayton (NIKC)
91 - - 62 root + drinky-drinky uchicago edu
92 - - 61 dieter + dieter twbbs org
93 - - 60 Alex Kapranoff (KAPPA)
94 - - 59 David Buchman (DBUCHMAN)
95 - - 51 Chia-liang Kao (CLKAO)
96 - - 50 ideapocket
97 - - 49 Richard Stockton
98 - - 48 Gelu Lupas
99 - - 47 jacob+cpanplus + tardell se
100 - - 42 Mark Shelor (MSHELOR)
101 - - 40 Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven
102 - - 39 Christopher H. Laco (CLACO)
103 - - 36 Markus Winand (MWS)
104 - - 36 Steffen Mueller (SMUELLER)
105 - - 33 Christopher Nehren (APEIRON)
106 - - 32 Chris Brooks (CBROOKS)
107 - - 32 garyebert + verizon net
108 - - 32 pascal + rockford com
109 - - 31 Tomas Doran (BOBTFISH)
110 - - 30 Shawn Sorichetti (SSORICHE)
111 - - 27 g + lasgo co uk
112 - - 26 Hidehiko Zasu
113 - - 26 tunesman + gmail com
114 - - 25 Gerard Seiber
115 - - 24 John Harris
116 - - 23 ranjit + juniper net
117 - - 22 root + kheops abc ro
118 - - 18 Graham Crookham (GRAHAMC)
119 - - 17 Craig McPhaden
120 - - 17 jdocauer + fedex com
121 - - 16 Anthony Chavez
122 - - 16 root + iiserv iis sinica edu tw
123 - - 15 Christopher Boumenot
124 - - 15 Daniel J. Wright
125 - - 15 Ryan Parr (RYANPARR)
126 - - 14 Paul Miller (JETTERO)
127 - - 14 Tomohiro Hosaka
128 - - 13 Marty O'Brien (MOB)
129 - - 13 Ted Thomas
130 - - 11 Barrington King (WYRD)
131 - - 11 Jamie Penman-Smithson
132 - - 11 Nicola Worthington (NICOLAW)
133 - - 11 Tim Ayers (TAYERS)
134 - - 10 Ben M. Thomas (CPANEL)
135 - - 10 P Kent (PKENT)
136 - - 8 Nicholas Clark (NWCLARK)
137 - - 8 Philip Drapeau
138 - - 8 Tobias Leich (FROGGS)
139 - - 8 root + coitusmentis info
140 - - 7 Adam Foxson (FOX)
141 - - 7 Malcolm Gardner
142 - - 7 postmaster + lists sakura ne jp
143 - - 6 Tom Hunt
144 - - 5 Jamyn Shanley
145 - - 5 John S. Dyson
146 - - 5 Lars Thegler (LTHEGLER)
147 - - 5 root + gohan37 freebsd org
148 - - 5 root + mail edw com au
149 - - 4 Chris Hostetter
150 - - 4 Neil Neely
151 - - 4 Tim Bunce (TIMB)
152 - - 4 hostmaster + dyndns org
153 - - 4 root + plambert net
154 - - 3 Ann Barcomb (KUDRA)
155 - - 3 Ben Bullock (BKB)
156 - - 3 Dan Kogai (DANKOGAI)
157 - - 3 Gea-Suan Lin (GSLIN)
158 - - 3 Isaac Scott
159 - - 3 Leif Neland
160 - - 3 Marcus Holland-Moritz (MHX)
161 - - 3 Ryo Anazawa (ANAZAWA)
162 - - 3 root + klimt bandplaza com
163 - - 3 svenw + tolv net
164 - - 2 Dan Dascalescu
165 - - 2 Ed Nixon
166 - - 2 Kent Cowgill (KCOWGILL)
167 - - 2 Shell Hung
168 - - 2 William McKee (WMCKEE)
169 - - 2 lbharris + fiann pair com
170 - - 2 matlib + cpan org
171 - - 2 root + mrweb ru
172 - - 2 root + yahoo-inc com
173 - - 2 support13 + charter net
174 - - 2 vrurg + otoib dp ua
175 - - 1 Casey West (CWEST)
176 - - 1 Jon Sage
177 - - 1 Jonathan Stowe (JSTOWE)
178 - - 1 Larry Laffer
179 - - 1 M. Blom (BLOM)
180 - - 1 MASUDA Yuta
181 - - 1 Nic Gibson
182 - - 1 Scott T. Hildreth
183 - - 1 Sergey Aleynikov (RANDIR)
184 - - 1 Tim Marinin
185 - - 1 VS
186 - - 1 Volker Stolz
187 - - 1 dither+cpantesters + gmail com
188 1 - 1 korablev + gmail com
189 - - 1 melnikov + gmail com
190 - - 1 milki
191 - - 1 root + devel si-designs net
192 - - 1 root + eris abc ro
193 - - 1 root + gehenna ath cx
194 - - 1 root + kcilink com
195 - - 1 root + kcwu csie org
196 - - 1 root + localhost gtcs com
197 - - 1 root + ut4 utrain com
198 - - 1 ua + gmail com
199 - - 1 wright + pit24 pair com