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Distribution PASS List
PLATFORM: | i686-linux-multi |
PERL: | 5.8.8 |
COUNT: | 143 |
All the distributions listed below have had at least one PASS report submitted to the cpan-testers mailing list, for this instance of platform and perl.
- Algorithm-Dependency
- ANSIColor
- Apache-Session
- Apache-Test
- App-CLI
- bignum
- Cache-Cache
- Cache-Memcached
- Cache-Simple-TimedExpiry
- capitalization
- Carp-Assert
- Carp-Assert-More
- Catalyst-Manual
- Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader
- Catalyst-Plugin-Prototype
- Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-Cookie
- Catalyst-View-Mason
- CGI-Simple
- Class-Accessor-Chained
- Class-Accessor-Named
- Class-C3
- Class-C3-XS
- Class-Container
- Class-Data-Accessor
- Class-InsideOut
- Clone
- Config-General
- CPAN-Reporter
- CSS-Squish
- Data-Page
- DateManip
- DateTime-Format-Mail
- DateTime-TimeZone
- DB_File
- DBI-Shell
- DBIx-Class
- DBIx-DBSchema
- DBIx-SearchBuilder
- Devel-Leak
- Devel-StackTrace
- Email-Abstract
- Email-Address
- Email-Date
- Email-Folder
- Email-FolderType
- Email-LocalDelivery
- Email-MIME-Creator
- Email-Send
- Email-Simple
- Email-Simple-Creator
- Encode
- Exporter-Lite
- File-Find-Rule
- File-Flat
- File-HomeDir
- File-MMagic
- File-Path-Expand
- File-Remove
- File-ShareDir
- Font-AFM
- Hash-Merge
- Hook-LexWrap
- HTML-Format
- HTML-Lint
- HTTP-Server-Simple
- HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason
- HTTP-Server-Simple-Recorder
- Image-Info
- Imager
- IO-Socket-SSL
- IO-Tee
- IO-Zlib
- Locale-Maketext-Fuzzy
- Locale-Maketext-Lexicon
- Log-Dispatch
- Log-Log4perl
- LWP-Authen-Wsse
- MailTools
- Math-BigInt
- Math-BigRat
- MIME-Types
- Module-Build
- Module-CoreList
- Module-Install
- Module-Pluggable
- Module-Refresh
- Module-ScanDeps
- Module-Versions-Report
- Number-Compare
- Object-Declare
- PAR-Dist
- PAR-Dist-FromCPAN
- PAR-Packer
- Params-Util
- Perl-Tidy
- Pod-Tests
- POE-Component-Client-TCPMulti
- POE-Component-EasyDBI
- POE-Component-IRC
- POE-Component-SimpleDBI
- prefork
- Return-Value
- Rose-DB
- Rose-Object
- rpm-build-perl
- Scalar-Defer
- Storable
- String-Koremutake
- Sub-Exporter
- Sub-Name
- Sub-Override
- Test-ClassAPI
- Test-Dependencies
- Test-HTTP-Server-Simple
- Test-Inline
- Test-URI
- Test-Warn
- Test-WWW-Mechanize
- Text-Autoformat
- Text-CSV_XS
- Text-Glob
- Text-Quoted
- Text-WikiFormat
- Text-Wrapper
- Tie-RefHash
- Time-modules
- Time-Piece
- UNIVERSAL-require
- URI-Fetch
- version
- Want
- XML-LibXML-Common
- XML-NamespaceSupport
- XML-Simple
- XML-Writer
- XML-XPath
- XSLoader
- YAML-Syck