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Distribution PASS List
PLATFORM: | i686-gnukfreebsd-thread-multi-64int |
PERL: | 5.8.9 |
COUNT: | 5150 |
All the distributions listed below have had at least one PASS report submitted to the cpan-testers mailing list, for this instance of platform and perl.
- accessors
- ack
- ACL-Lite
- ACL-Regex
- Acme-2zicon
- Acme-ADEAS-Utils
- Acme-ALEXDEAS-Utils
- Acme-Alien-DontPanic
- Acme-AliG
- Acme-Alt-Dep-Test
- Acme-AutoloadAll
- Acme-Boom
- Acme-CPANAuthors
- Acme-CPANAuthors-Booking
- Acme-CPANAuthors-Chinese
- Acme-CPANAuthors-Czech
- Acme-CPANAuthors-DualLife
- Acme-CPANAuthors-GitHub
- Acme-CPANAuthors-Indonesian
- Acme-CPANAuthors-InMemoriam
- Acme-CPANAuthors-Japanese
- Acme-CPANAuthors-MBTI
- Acme-CPANAuthors-MetaSyntactic
- Acme-CPANAuthors-Nonhuman
- Acme-CPANAuthors-POE
- Acme-CPANAuthors-Pumpkings
- Acme-CPANAuthors-Search
- Acme-CPANAuthors-You-re_using
- Acme-CPANPLUS-PreReq-Text-Tabs
- Acme-Damn
- ACME-Experiment
- ACME-Experiment-C
- Acme-FixIO
- Acme-Ford-Prefect
- Acme-Ford-Prefect-FFI
- Acme-Geo-Whitwell-Name
- Acme-HTTP
- Acme-Indent
- Acme-JWT
- Acme-KeyboardMarathon
- Acme-KMX-Test
- Acme-Llama
- Acme-Math-XS
- Acme-Math-XS-XS
- Acme-MetaSyntactic
- Acme-MetaSyntactic-buzzwords
- Acme-MetaSyntactic-cpanauthors
- Acme-MetaSyntactic-daleks
- Acme-MetaSyntactic-errno
- Acme-MetaSyntactic-legobatman
- Acme-MetaSyntactic-Themes
- Acme-MetaSyntactic-Themes-Abigail
- Acme-Minify
- Acme-Moose
- Acme-MyFirsdtModule-AKENNY
- Acme-MyFirstModule-DRPENGUIN
- Acme-MyFirstModule-ITCharlie
- Acme-MyFirstModule-MCMILLHJ
- Acme-MyFirstModule-SADAMS
- ACME-MyFirstModule-SETHS
- Acme-MyPeek
- Acme-Pi
- Acme-Plack-Middleware-Acme-Werewolf
- Acme-PM-Frankfurt-Meetings
- Acme-Rautavistic-Sort
- Acme-Robd-Boring
- Acme-SList-Scheduler
- Acme-SList-Utilities
- Acme-Test-VW
- Acme-Testing
- Acme-Types-NonStandard
- Acme-WeirdPod
- Action-Retry
- Address-PostCode-Australia
- Address-PostCode-India
- Address-PostCode-UK
- Address-PostCode-UserAgent
- Ado
- Aggregate
- AI-MegaHAL
- AI-MicroStructure
- AI-MicroStructure-Deamon
- AI-NaiveBayes1
- AI-ParticleSwarmOptimization
- Algorithm-BinarySearch-Vec
- Algorithm-Burg
- Algorithm-C3
- Algorithm-CheckDigits
- Algorithm-ConsistentHash-CHash
- Algorithm-ConsistentHash-JumpHash
- Algorithm-ConsistentHash-Ketama
- Algorithm-DecisionTree
- Algorithm-Dependency
- Algorithm-Diff
- Algorithm-Kelly
- Algorithm-NIN
- Algorithm-Numerical-Shuffle
- Algorithm-SAT-Backtracking
- Algorithm-SIN
- Algorithm-TokenBucket
- aliased
- Alien-Base
- Alien-bz2
- Alien-bz2-Installer
- Alien-CMake
- Alien-FFCall
- Alien-FFI
- Alien-flex
- Alien-FreeImage
- Alien-gmake
- Alien-GvaScript
- Alien-IUP
- Alien-Leptonica
- Alien-Libarchive
- Alien-Libarchive-Installer
- Alien-LibGumbo
- Alien-libtermkey
- Alien-LibXML
- Alien-m4
- Alien-MuPDF
- Alien-NSS
- Alien-patch
- Alien-SDL
- Alien-SeleniumRC
- Alien-SVN
- Alien-Thrust
- Alien-TinyCC
- Alien-TinyCCx
- Alien-UDUNITS2
- Alien-unibilium
- Alien-Uninum
- Alien-Web
- Alien-Web-ExtJS-V3
- Alien-Web-HalBrowser
- Alien-WFDB
- Alien-wxWidgets
- Alt
- Alt-Acme-Math-XS-EUMM
- Alt-Base
- Alt-Devel-Cover-Report-Coveralls-usingfurl
- Alt-Devel-GlobalDestruction-XS-Inline
- Alt-Math-Prime-FastSieve-Inline
- Amazon-S3-Thin
- Amon2
- Amon2-Auth
- Amon2-DBI
- Amon2-Lite
- Amon2-MobileJP
- Amon2-Plugin-ShareDir
- Amon2-Plugin-Web-MobileAgent
- Anagram-Groups
- Anansi-Actor
- Anansi-Class
- Anansi-Component
- Anansi-ComponentManager
- Anansi-ObjectManager
- Anansi-Singleton
- Annovar-Wrapper
- Any-Moose
- Any-URI-Escape
- AnyDBM_File-Importer
- AnyEvent
- AnyEvent-Blackboard
- AnyEvent-ConnPool
- AnyEvent-Curl-Multi
- AnyEvent-DAAP-Server
- AnyEvent-DateTime-Cron
- AnyEvent-Digest
- AnyEvent-DNS-EtcHosts
- AnyEvent-DNS-Nameserver
- AnyEvent-FCGI
- AnyEvent-Feed
- AnyEvent-Filesys-Notify
- AnyEvent-Finger
- AnyEvent-Fork
- AnyEvent-Fork-RPC
- AnyEvent-FriendFeed-Realtime
- AnyEvent-Gearman
- AnyEvent-GnuPG
- AnyEvent-Groonga
- AnyEvent-Handle-UDP
- AnyEvent-HTTP
- AnyEvent-HTTP-LWP-UserAgent
- AnyEvent-HTTP-LWP-UserAgent-Determined
- AnyEvent-HTTP-Socks
- AnyEvent-HTTPD
- AnyEvent-IRC
- AnyEvent-MockTCPServer
- AnyEvent-MPRPC
- AnyEvent-MQTT
- AnyEvent-MySQL
- AnyEvent-MySQL-ConnPool
- AnyEvent-Ping
- AnyEvent-POE_Reference
- AnyEvent-Proc
- AnyEvent-Promises
- AnyEvent-RabbitMQ
- AnyEvent-RabbitMQ-Fork
- AnyEvent-Redis
- AnyEvent-Redis-RipeRedis
- AnyEvent-Timer-Cron
- AnyEvent-Twitter
- AnyEvent-Twitter-Stream
- AnyEvent-UserAgent
- AnyEvent-Watchdog
- AnyMQ
- AnySan
- Apache-AuthTkt
- Apache-ConfigParser
- Apache-Htaccess
- Apache-Htpasswd
- Apache-LogFormat-Compiler
- Apache-LogRegex
- Apache-SdnFw
- Apache-Session
- Apache-Test
- Apache-Tika
- API-Zendesk
- App-Adenosine
- App-Benchmark
- App-bif
- App-bk
- App-bmkpasswd
- App-breakout
- App-Cache
- App-ChangeShebang
- App-chkfacl
- App-Cleo
- App-Cmd
- App-Cmd-Plugin-Prompt
- App-CmdDispatch
- App-count
- App-CPAN-Fresh
- App-cpan-reports
- App-CPANfile2OPML
- App-cpanminus
- App-cpanoutdated
- App-cpanoutdated-coro
- App-cpantimes
- App-CPANTS-Lint
- App-Cronjob
- App-DBBrowser
- App-Dependencio
- App-Devmode2
- App-DH
- App-diffdir
- App-digestarchive
- App-dropboxapi
- App-Du-Analyze
- App-DubiousHTTP
- App-EC2-API-Tools
- App-EUMM-Migrate
- App-EUMM-Upgrade
- App-FatPacker
- App-Followme
- App-FromUnixtime
- App-Genpass
- App-gh
- App-gist
- App-Git-Workflow
- App-Git-Workflow-Command-BranchConflicts
- App-Git-Workflow-Command-Cat
- App-Git-Workflow-Command-SinceRelease
- App-Git-Workflow-Command-Take
- App-Git-Workflow-Extra
- App-GitHubWebhooks2Ikachan
- App-Google-Docs
- App-Gre
- App-GSD
- App-htrepl
- App-Ikachan
- App-installdeps
- App-IsGitSynced
- App-MBUtiny
- App-MediaWiki2Git
- App-moduleswhere
- App-MtAws
- App-MultiSsh
- App-Mver
- App-Mypp
- App-NetdiscoX-Web-Plugin-RANCID
- App-Nopaste
- App-OverWatch
- App-Partner
- App-PAUSE-TimeMachine
- App-perlall
- App-perlbrew
- App-ph
- App-pmuninstall
- App-Pocoirc
- App-Prove-Watch
- App-Provision-Tiny
- App-PS1
- App-pscan
- App-psort
- App-RabbitTail
- App-Rad
- App-Rad-Plugin-Daemonize
- App-RecordStream
- App-Reg
- App-ReorderGoProFiles
- App-rlibperl
- App-scan_prereqs_cpanfile
- App-scrape
- App-Skeletor
- App-Software-License
- App-Sqitch
- App-Stopwatch
- App-TailRabbit
- App-tcpproxy
- App-TemplateCMD
- App-Termcast
- App-Timestamper
- App-Translit-String
- App-Ttyrec
- App-VirtPerl
- App-VOJournal
- App-Wallflower
- App-YG
- AppConfig
- AppConfig-Std
- AppleII-LibA2
- Applify
- ArangoDB2
- Archer
- Archive-Any
- Archive-Any-Create
- Archive-Any-Lite
- Archive-Ar
- Archive-Ar-Libarchive
- Archive-ByteBoozer
- Archive-Cpio
- Archive-Extract
- Archive-Har
- Archive-Libarchive-Any
- Archive-Libarchive-XS
- Archive-Peek
- Archive-Peek-Libarchive
- Archive-Tar
- Archive-Tar-Builder
- Archive-Tar-Stream
- Archive-Tar-Wrapper
- Archive-Zip
- Archive-Zip-SimpleZip
- Arepa
- Argon
- Argv
- ARGV-Struct
- Array-AsObject
- Array-Base
- Array-Columnize
- Array-Compare
- Array-Diff
- Array-FIFO
- Array-Group
- Array-GroupBy
- Array-IntSpan
- Array-Iterator
- Array-RefElem
- Array-To-Moose
- Array-Transpose
- Array-Unique
- Array-Utils
- Arthas-Defaults
- Artifactory-Client
- asa
- ASP4
- Aspect
- Aspect-Library-Timer
- Asset-File
- asterisk-perl
- Astro-App-Satpass2
- Astro-Coords
- Astro-FITS-HdrTrans
- Astro-FITS-Header
- Astro-MoonPhase
- Astro-PAL
- Astro-satpass
- Astro-SIMBAD-Client
- Astro-SpaceTrack
- Astro-Telescope
- Astro-Utils
- Async-MergePoint
- Async-Queue
- Attach-Stuff
- Attempt
- Attribute-Handlers
- Attribute-Types
- Attribute-Util
- Auth-Yubikey_WebClient
- AuthCAS
- Authen-Captcha
- Authen-Credential
- Authen-DecHpwd
- Authen-Htpasswd
- Authen-ModAuthPubTkt
- Authen-OATH
- Authen-Passphrase
- Authen-SASL
- Authen-SASL-SASLprep
- Authen-SCRAM
- Authen-Simple
- Authen-Simple-Passwd
- authority-shared
- Authorize-Rule
- autobox
- autobox-Camelize
- autobox-Core
- autobox-Junctions
- autodie
- autovivification
- Aux
- AWS-Signature4
- B-C
- B-Compiling
- B-Debug
- B-Flags
- B-Generate
- B-Hooks-EndOfScope
- B-Hooks-OP-Check
- B-Hooks-OP-Check-EntersubForCV
- B-Hooks-OP-PPAddr
- B-Hooks-Parser
- B-Keywords
- B-RecDeparse
- B-Stats
- B-Utils
- B-Utils1
- BackPAN-Index
- Badger
- Banal-Utils
- BankAccount-Validator-UK
- Barcode-Code128
- Barcode-Code93
- Barcode-DataMatrix
- bareword-filehandles
- base
- Beam-Emitter
- Beam-Wire
- Benchmark-Apps
- Benchmark-Perl-Formance
- Benchmark-Stopwatch
- Benchmarks
- BerkeleyDB
- Best
- Biblio-Citation-Compare
- BigIP-iControl
- Bio-Graphics
- Bio-LITE-Taxonomy-NCBI-Gi2taxid
- Bio-MaxQuant-ProteinGroups-Response
- Bio-Phylo
- Bio-RetrieveAssemblies
- Bio-RNA-SpliceSites-Scoring-MaxEntScan
- Bio-ToolBox
- Bio-Tools-ProteinogenicAA
- Bio-Tools-Run-Qcons
- BioPerl
- BioPerl-Network
- BioUtil
- Bit-Fast
- Bit-Vector
- Bit-Vector-Minimal
- Bloom-Filter
- Blosxom-Header
- boolean
- Bot-BasicBot
- Bot-BasicBot-Pluggable
- Bot-BasicBot-Pluggable-Module-CPANLinks
- Bot-BasicBot-Pluggable-Module-Nagios
- Bot-WootOff
- Box-Calc
- Bracket
- Brannigan
- Bread-Board
- Bread-Board-Declare
- Bread-Board-LazyLoader
- Brickyard
- Brocade-BSC
- Browser-Open
- BSD-Resource
- BTRIEVE-Native
- Bundle-CPAN
- Business-AuthorizeNet-CIM
- Business-BR-CEP
- Business-CardInfo
- Business-CCCheck
- Business-CPI
- Business-CPI-Gateway-PagSeguro
- Business-CPI-Gateway-PayPal
- Business-CyberSource-Report
- Business-DK-FI
- Business-ES-NIF
- Business-ISBN
- Business-ISBN-Data
- Business-KontoCheck
- Business-MollieAPI
- Business-OnlinePayment
- Business-OnlinePayment-AuthorizeNet
- Business-OnlinePayment-Ogone
- Business-PayPal-API
- Business-PayPal-IPN
- Business-PayPal-NVP
- Business-PL-NIP
- Business-RealEx
- Business-SiteCatalyst
- Business-Tax-VAT-Validation
- Bytes-Random-Secure
- Bytes-Random-Secure-Tiny
- C3000
- C3000-RepUtils
- CACertOrg-CA
- Cache
- Cache-Bounded
- Cache-Cache
- Cache-FastMmap
- Cache-KyotoTycoon
- Cache-LRU
- Cache-Memcached
- Cache-Memcached-AnyEvent
- Cache-Memcached-Fast
- Cache-Memcached-Fast-Logger
- Cache-Memcached-Mock
- Cache-Memcached-Queue
- Cache-Memory-Simple-ID
- Cache-Reddit
- Cache-Ref
- Cache-Simple-TimedExpiry
- Cairo
- Calendar-Bahai
- Calendar-Hijri
- Calendar-Persian
- Calendar-Simple
- Callback-Frame
- Canary-Stability
- Captcha-reCAPTCHA
- Captcha-reCAPTCHA-V2
- Captive-Portal
- Capture-Tiny
- Caroline
- Carp
- Carp-Always
- Carp-Always-Color
- Carp-Assert
- Carp-Assert-More
- Carp-Clan
- Carp-Clan-Share
- Carp-REPL
- Carton
- carton
- CASCM-Wrapper
- Catalyst-Action-RenderView
- Catalyst-Action-REST
- Catalyst-ActionRole-ACL
- Catalyst-ActionRole-MethodSignatureDependencyInjection
- Catalyst-ActionRole-Public
- Catalyst-ActionRole-QueryParameter
- Catalyst-Authentication-AuthTkt
- Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-HTTP
- Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-Twitter
- Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-YubiKey
- Catalyst-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class
- Catalyst-Authentication-Store-LDAP
- Catalyst-Component-ACCEPT_CONTEXT
- Catalyst-Component-InstancePerContext
- Catalyst-ComponentRole-PathFrom
- Catalyst-Controller-Accessors
- Catalyst-Controller-ActionRole
- Catalyst-Controller-AutoAssets
- Catalyst-Controller-FormBuilder
- Catalyst-Controller-FormBuilder-MultiForm
- Catalyst-Controller-reCAPTCHA
- Catalyst-Controller-SimpleCAS
- Catalyst-Devel
- Catalyst-DispatchType-Regex
- Catalyst-Engine-SCGI
- Catalyst-Log-Log4perl
- Catalyst-Manual
- Catalyst-Model-Adaptor
- Catalyst-Model-CPI
- Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema
- Catalyst-Model-MongoDB
- Catalyst-Model-Riak
- Catalyst-Model-XML-Feed
- Catalyst-Plugin-ActionPaths
- Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication
- Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-Roles
- Catalyst-Plugin-AutoCRUD
- Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigComponents
- Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader
- Catalyst-Plugin-CurrentComponents
- Catalyst-Plugin-I18N
- Catalyst-Plugin-InflateMore
- Catalyst-Plugin-MapComponentDependencies
- Catalyst-Plugin-MessageStack
- Catalyst-Plugin-Session
- Catalyst-Plugin-Session-PerUser
- Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-Cookie
- Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-Header
- Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-DBIC
- Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Delegate
- Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-FastMmap
- Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-File
- Catalyst-Plugin-StackTrace
- Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple
- Catalyst-Plugin-SubRequest
- Catalyst-Plugin-Unicode-Encoding
- Catalyst-Runtime
- Catalyst-TraitFor-Component-ConfigPerSite
- Catalyst-TraitFor-Controller-jQuery-jqGrid-Search
- Catalyst-TraitFor-Controller-reCAPTCHA
- Catalyst-TraitFor-Model-DBIC-Schema-QueryLog-AdoptPlack
- Catalyst-TraitFor-Model-DBIC-Schema-Result
- Catalyst-TraitFor-Request-ContentNegotiationHelpers
- Catalyst-TraitFor-Request-DecodedParams
- Catalyst-View-ByCode
- Catalyst-View-CSS-Minifier-XS
- Catalyst-View-JSON
- Catalyst-View-TT
- Catalyst-View-XML-Feed
- Catalyst-View-Xslate
- CatalystX-Alt-Routes
- CatalystX-Component-Traits
- CatalystX-Controller-PSGI
- CatalystX-Controller-Sugar
- CatalystX-Controller-Sugar-ActionPack
- CatalystX-DebugFilter
- CatalystX-Eta
- CatalystX-Features
- CatalystX-InjectComponent
- CatalystX-Resource
- CatalystX-Restarter-GTK
- CatalystX-RoleApplicator
- CatalystX-SimpleAPI
- CatalystX-Starter
- CCCP-ConfigXML
- Ceph-RadosGW-Admin
- CGI-Alternatives
- CGI-Application
- CGI-Application-Plugin-Config-Perl
- CGI-Application-Plugin-ConfigAuto
- CGI-Application-Plugin-DBH
- CGI-Application-Plugin-DBIx-Class
- CGI-Application-Plugin-ExtJS
- CGI-Application-Plugin-Session
- CGI-Application-Plugin-Stream
- CGI-Cookie-Splitter
- CGI-Deurl-XS
- CGI-Emulate-PSGI
- CGI-Expand
- CGI-ExtDirect
- CGI-FormBuilder
- CGI-FormBuilder-Source-Perl
- CGI-Header
- CGI-Info
- CGI-OptimalQuery
- CGI-Pure
- CGI-Pure-Fast
- CGI-QuickForm
- CGI-Session
- CGI-Simple
- CGI-Struct
- CGI-Test
- CGI-Untaint
- CGI-Untaint-Facebook
- CGI-Untaint-url
- Char
- Char-Arabic
- Char-Big5HKSCS
- Char-Big5Plus
- Char-Cyrillic
- Char-EUCJP
- Char-EUCTW
- Char-GB18030
- Char-GBK
- Char-Greek
- Char-Hebrew
- Char-HP15
- Char-JIS8
- Char-KOI8R
- Char-KOI8U
- Char-KPS9566
- Char-Latin1
- Char-Latin10
- Char-Latin2
- Char-Latin3
- Char-Latin4
- Char-Latin5
- Char-Latin6
- Char-Latin7
- Char-Latin8
- Char-Latin9
- Char-OldUTF8
- Char-Sjis
- Char-TIS620
- Char-UHC
- Char-UTF2
- Char-Windows1252
- Char-Windows1258
- Chart-Clicker
- Chatbot-Eliza
- Check-ISA
- Chess-PGN-EPD
- Chess-PGN-Moves
- Chess-PGN-Parse
- CHI-Cascade
- CHI-Config
- CHI-Driver-Ping
- Child
- Child-IPC-Pipely
- Cindy
- Cisco-Reconfig
- Cisco-Regex
- Class-Accessor
- Class-Accessor-Chained
- Class-Accessor-Grouped
- Class-Accessor-Lazy
- Class-Accessor-Lite
- Class-Accessor-Lite-Lazy
- Class-Accessor-Lvalue
- Class-Adapter
- Class-ArrayObjects
- Class-AutoAccess
- Class-AutoloadCAN
- Class-Autouse
- Class-Base
- Class-C3
- Class-C3-Adopt-NEXT
- Class-C3-Componentised
- Class-C3-XS
- Class-Component
- Class-Container
- Class-Data-Accessor
- Class-Data-ConfigHash
- Class-Data-Inheritable
- Class-Date
- Class-Declare
- Class-Declare-Attributes
- Class-Default
- Class-ErrorHandler
- Class-Factory
- Class-Factory-Util
- Class-Forward
- Class-Gomor
- Class-Inner
- Class-InsideOut
- Class-Inspector
- Class-Interface
- Class-Iterator
- Class-Load
- Class-Load-XS
- Class-Loader
- Class-MakeMethods
- Class-Member
- Class-Method-Modifiers
- Class-Method-Modifiers-Fast
- Class-MethodMaker
- Class-Mix
- Class-MixinFactory
- Class-Mockable
- Class-Monadic
- Class-Monkey
- Class-MOP
- Class-Null
- Class-Observable
- Class-OOorNO
- Class-Prototyped
- Class-Refresh
- Class-ReturnValue
- Class-Roles
- Class-Singleton
- Class-Std
- Class-Std-Fast
- Class-Std-Utils
- Class-Tiny
- Class-Tiny-Chained
- Class-Trigger
- Class-Unload
- Class-Usul
- Class-Utils
- Class-Variable
- Class-Virtual
- Class-XSAccessor
- CLDR-Number
- ClearCase-Argv
- ClearCase-ClearPrompt
- ClearCase-SyncTree
- ClearCase-Wrapper
- ClearCase-Wrapper-MGi
- ClearPress
- CLI-Dispatch
- CLI-Helpers
- Clipboard
- Clone
- Clone-PP
- CloudPAN
- Clownfish
- Clownfish-CFC
- CMS-Drupal
- Code-DRY
- Code-Explain
- Code-Splice
- Code-TidyAll
- Code-TidyAll-Plugin-UniqueLines
- Cog
- CogWiki
- Collision-2D
- Color-Calc
- Color-Library
- Color-Scheme
- Color-Spectrum
- Command-Interactive
- common-sense
- Compare-Directory
- Compiler-Lexer
- Compress-Bzip2
- Compress-LZF
- Compress-Raw-Bzip2
- Compress-Raw-Lzma
- Compress-Raw-Zlib
- Compress-Snappy
- Config-Any
- Config-Any-Log4perl
- Config-Augeas
- Config-Augeas-Validator
- Config-Auto
- Config-AutoConf
- Config-Checker
- Config-CmdRC
- Config-Dot
- Config-Environment
- Config-Find
- Config-General
- Config-GitLike
- Config-Hash
- Config-Identity
- Config-INI
- Config-INI-Serializer
- Config-IniFiles
- Config-JFDI
- Config-JSON
- Config-Merge
- Config-Merge-Dynamic
- Config-Model
- Config-Model-Dpkg
- Config-Model-Tester
- Config-MVP
- Config-MVP-BundleInspector
- Config-MVP-Reader-INI
- Config-MVP-Slicer
- Config-MVP-Writer-INI
- Config-MyConfig2
- Config-MySQL
- Config-Neat
- Config-Perl-V
- Config-PL
- Config-Properties
- Config-Scoped
- Config-Simple
- Config-Simple-Extended
- Config-Std
- Config-Tiny
- Config-Utils
- Config-Validator
- Config-Versioned
- Config-YAARG
- Config-ZOMG
- Confman
- Connector
- Const-Fast
- constant
- constant-boolean
- constant-defer
- Constant-Export-Lazy
- Constant-FromGlobal
- Constant-Generate
- Context-Preserve
- Contextual-Return
- Contextual-Return-Wrapper
- Continuity
- Control-CLI
- Control-CLI-AvayaData
- Convert-ASCII-Armour
- Convert-ASN1
- Convert-Base32
- Convert-Base32-Crockford
- Convert-Base64
- Convert-Binary-C
- Convert-Color
- Convert-Color-XTerm
- Convert-Moji
- Convert-Number-Armenian
- Convert-PEM
- Convert-Scalar
- Convert-UU
- Convert-Z85
- Cookie-Baker
- Cookie-Baker-XS
- Coro
- Coro-PatchSet
- Coro-PrioChannel
- Coro-ProcessPool
- Cot
- CPAN-Access-AdHoc
- CPAN-AuthorsSearch
- CPAN-Changes
- CPAN-Changes-Group-Dependencies-Stats
- CPAN-Checksums
- CPAN-Common-Index
- CPAN-Digger
- CPAN-DistnameInfo
- CPAN-Inject
- CPAN-Meta
- CPAN-Meta-Check
- CPAN-Meta-Prereqs-Diff
- CPAN-Meta-Prereqs-Filter
- CPAN-Meta-Requirements
- CPAN-Mini
- CPAN-Mini-Inject
- CPAN-Nearest
- cpan-outdated
- CPAN-Perl-Releases
- CPAN-Reporter
- CPAN-Repository
- CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-StaticInstall
- CPAN-Test-Dummy-Perl5-VersionBump
- CPAN-Testers-Common-Article
- CPAN-Testers-Common-DBUtils
- CPAN-Testers-Common-Utils
- CPAN-Testers-Data-Addresses
- CPAN-Testers-Data-Release
- CPAN-Testers-Data-Uploads
- CPAN-Testers-Data-Uploads-Mailer
- CPAN-Testers-Fact-PlatformInfo
- CPAN-Testers-ParseReport
- CPAN-Testers-Report
- CPAN-Testers-Reports-Counts
- CPAN-Testers-WWW-Reports
- CPAN-Testers-WWW-Reports-Query-Reports
- CPAN-Testers-WWW-Statistics
- CPAN-Testers-WWW-Statistics-Excel
- CPAN-Unwind
- CPAN-Uploader
- CPAN-WWW-Top100-Retrieve
- Cpanel-JSON-XS
- cPanel-PublicAPI
- cPanel-TaskQueue
- CPANPLUS-Dist-Arch
- CPANPLUS-Dist-Build
- CPANPLUS-Dist-Slackware
- CPANPLUS-Internals-Source-CPANIDX
- CPANPLUS-Internals-Source-CPANMetaDB
- CQL-Parser
- Criteria-Compile
- Crypt-Blowfish
- Crypt-Blowfish_PP
- Crypt-Camellia
- Crypt-CBC
- Crypt-DES
- Crypt-DES_EDE3
- Crypt-DH
- Crypt-DH-GMP
- Crypt-Diceware
- Crypt-DNASequence
- Crypt-DSA
- Crypt-Ed25519
- Crypt-Eksblowfish
- Crypt-GPG
- Crypt-Hill
- Crypt-IDEA
- Crypt-Lite
- Crypt-MySQL
- Crypt-NamedKeys
- Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum
- Crypt-OpenSSL-CA
- Crypt-OpenSSL-Cloner
- Crypt-OpenSSL-DSA
- Crypt-OpenSSL-EC
- Crypt-OpenSSL-PBKDF2
- Crypt-OpenSSL-Random
- Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA
- Crypt-OpenSSL-X509
- Crypt-Passwd-XS
- Crypt-PasswdMD5
- Crypt-Password
- Crypt-PKCS10
- Crypt-PKCS11
- Crypt-Primes
- Crypt-Random
- Crypt-Random-Source
- Crypt-Random-TESHA2
- Crypt-RandPasswd
- Crypt-RC4
- Crypt-Rijndael
- Crypt-RS14_PP
- Crypt-RSA
- Crypt-SaltedHash
- Crypt-Scrypt
- Crypt-ScryptKDF
- Crypt-Spritz
- Crypt-SSLeay
- Crypt-Tea_JS
- Crypt-UnixCrypt_XS
- Crypt-URandom
- Crypt-X509
- Crypt-XXTEA_PP
- CryptX
- CSS-Coverage
- CSS-Flip
- CSS-Inliner
- CSS-Minifier-XS
- CSS-Packer
- CSS-Sass
- CSS-Scopifier
- CSS-Selector-Parser
- CSS-Simple
- CSS-Watcher
- CTKlib
- Curses
- Curses-Toolkit
- Cv
- Cwd-Guard
- D64-Disk-Image
- Daemon-Control
- Daemon-Daemonize
- Daiku
- Dancer
- Dancer-Debug
- Dancer-Logger-ColorConsole
- Dancer-Logger-ConsoleSpinner
- Dancer-Logger-Hourlyfile
- Dancer-Logger-Log4perl
- Dancer-Logger-LogAny
- Dancer-Logger-LogHandler
- Dancer-Logger-Pipe
- Dancer-Logger-PSGI
- Dancer-Logger-Syslog
- Dancer-Middleware-Rebase
- Dancer-Plugin-Async
- Dancer-Plugin-Auth-Basic
- Dancer-Plugin-Auth-Github
- Dancer-Plugin-Auth-Google
- Dancer-Plugin-Auth-Htpasswd
- Dancer-Plugin-Auth-RBAC
- Dancer-Plugin-Auth-RBAC-Credentials-DBIC
- Dancer-Plugin-Auth-RBAC-Permissions-DBIC
- Dancer-Plugin-Auth-Twitter
- Dancer-Plugin-Bcrypt
- Dancer-Plugin-Browser
- Dancer-Plugin-Cache-CHI
- Dancer-Plugin-Controller
- Dancer-Plugin-Database
- Dancer-Plugin-Database-Core
- Dancer-Plugin-DBIC
- Dancer-Plugin-DebugDump
- Dancer-Plugin-DebugToolbar
- Dancer-Plugin-DirectoryView
- Dancer-Plugin-Dispatcher
- Dancer-Plugin-Documentation
- Dancer-Plugin-EmailSender
- Dancer-Plugin-ExtDirect
- Dancer-Plugin-Facebook
- Dancer-Plugin-FormValidator
- Dancer-Plugin-LDAP
- Dancer-Plugin-Log-DB
- Dancer-Plugin-MemcachedFast
- Dancer-Plugin-NYTProf
- Dancer-Plugin-REST
- Dancer-Plugin-Showterm
- Dancer-Plugin-SimpleCRUD
- Dancer-Plugin-SporeDefinitionControl
- Dancer-Plugin-Stomp
- Dancer-Plugin-Test-Jasmine
- Dancer-Session-DBIC
- Dancer-Template-TemplateFlute
- Dancer-Template-Xslate
- Dancer2
- Dancer2-Logger-Syslog
- Dancer2-Plugin-Ajax
- Dancer2-Plugin-AppRole-Helper
- Dancer2-Plugin-Auth-Extensible
- Dancer2-Plugin-Auth-Extensible-Provider-DBIC
- Dancer2-Plugin-Auth-OAuth
- Dancer2-Plugin-Auth-Tiny
- Dancer2-Plugin-DBIC
- Dancer2-Plugin-Feed
- Dancer2-Plugin-HTTP-Auth-Extensible
- Dancer2-Plugin-LogContextual
- Dancer2-Plugin-reCAPTCHA
- Dancer2-Plugin-Res
- Dancer2-Plugin-REST
- Dancer2-Template-Haml
- Data-Alias
- Data-Bitfield
- Data-Buffer
- Data-Censor
- Data-CircularList
- Data-Clone
- Data-CloudWeights
- Data-Compare
- Data-Consumer
- Data-Context
- Data-Context-BEM
- Data-Currency
- Data-Debug
- Data-Difference
- Data-Diver
- Data-DPath
- Data-Dump
- Data-Dump-Streamer
- Data-Dumper
- Data-Dumper-AutoEncode
- Data-Dumper-Concise
- Data-Dumper-LispLike
- Data-Dumper-Simple
- Data-Dumper-Sorted
- Data-Dumper-Store
- Data-Embed
- Data-Entropy
- Data-Fake
- Data-FlexSerializer
- Data-Float
- Data-FormValidator
- Data-FormValidator-Constraints-Words
- Data-FormValidator-Filters-Demoroniser
- Data-FormValidator-Profile
- Data-Google-Visualization-DataTable
- Data-GUID
- Data-Handle
- Data-HashArray
- Data-HexDump
- Data-ICal
- Data-Inspect
- Data-Integer
- Data-Interactive-Inspect
- Data-JavaScript-Anon
- Data-Lazy
- Data-LinkedList
- Data-Localize
- Data-Lock
- Data-Manager
- Data-Mapper
- Data-MessagePack
- Data-MessagePack-Stream
- Data-Monad
- Data-Money
- Data-Munge
- Data-ObjectDriver
- Data-OptList
- Data-Page
- Data-Page-NoTotalEntries
- Data-Pageset
- Data-Paginator
- Data-Password
- Data-Perl
- Data-Phrasebook
- Data-Phrasebook-Loader-Ini
- Data-Pond
- Data-PowerSet
- Data-PowerSet-Hash
- Data-Printer
- Data-Printer-Filter-URI
- Data-Processor
- Data-Properties-JSON
- Data-Properties-YAML
- Data-Rand-Obscure
- Data-Random
- Data-Recursive-Encode
- Data-RenderAsTree
- Data-Rmap
- Data-Rx
- Data-Rx-Type-MooseTC
- Data-Rx-TypeBundle-Perl
- Data-SCORM
- Data-SearchEngine
- Data-SearchEngine-ElasticSearch
- Data-Section
- Data-Section-Simple
- Data-Serializer
- Data-Serializer-Sereal
- Data-Stag
- Data-Stream-Bulk
- Data-Stream-Bulk-AnyEvent
- Data-Table
- Data-Tabular-Dumper
- Data-Tabulate-Plugin-ASCIITable
- Data-Throttler
- Data-Transformer
- Data-TreeDumper
- Data-TreeDumper-Renderer-DHTML
- Data-TreeDumper-Utils
- Data-TreeValidator
- Data-Tumbler
- Data-Types
- Data-Uniqid
- Data-Util
- Data-UUID
- Data-Validate
- Data-Validate-Domain
- Data-Validate-Image
- Data-Validate-IP
- Data-Validate-Struct
- Data-Validate-Type
- Data-Validate-URI
- Data-Validation
- Data-Validator
- Data-Verifier
- Data-Visitor
- Data-Walk
- Database-Migrator
- Database-Migrator-Pg
- DataFlow
- Date-Bahai
- Date-Bahai-Simple
- Date-Calc
- Date-Convert-French_Rev
- Date-Easter
- Date-Exception
- Date-EzDate
- Date-FromToday
- Date-Hijri-Simple
- Date-Holidays
- Date-Holidays-AT
- Date-Holidays-AU
- Date-Holidays-BR
- Date-Holidays-CA
- Date-Holidays-CA_ES
- Date-Holidays-ES
- Date-Holidays-RU
- Date-Holidays-Super
- Date-ICal
- Date-ISO
- Date-ISO8601
- Date-Lima
- Date-Manip
- Date-MSD
- Date-Period-Human
- Date-Persian-Simple
- Date-QuarterOfYear
- Date-RangeParser-EN
- Date-Saka-Simple
- Date-Simple
- Date-Utils
- Date-Utils-Bahai
- Date-Utils-Hijri
- Date-WeekNumber
- DateConvert
- DateTime
- DateTime-Calendar-FrenchRevolutionary
- DateTime-Calendar-Julian
- DateTime-Event-Cron
- DateTime-Event-Easter
- DateTime-Event-ICal
- DateTime-Event-Recurrence
- DateTime-Format-Atom
- DateTime-Format-Builder
- DateTime-Format-CLDR
- DateTime-Format-DateParse
- DateTime-Format-Duration
- DateTime-Format-Duration-DurationString
- DateTime-Format-Epoch
- DateTime-Format-Flexible
- DateTime-Format-HTTP
- DateTime-Format-ICal
- DateTime-Format-ISO8601
- DateTime-Format-LDAP
- DateTime-Format-Mail
- DateTime-Format-MySQL
- DateTime-Format-Natural
- DateTime-Format-Oracle
- DateTime-Format-Pg
- DateTime-Format-RFC3339
- DateTime-Format-SQLite
- DateTime-Format-Strptime
- DateTime-Format-W3CDTF
- DateTime-Format-XMLTV
- DateTime-Incomplete
- DateTime-Locale
- DateTime-Moonpig
- DateTime-Set
- DateTime-TimeZone
- DateTime-TimeZone-SystemV
- DateTime-TimeZone-Tzfile
- DateTime-Tiny
- DateTime-Util-Calc
- DateTimeX-Easy
- DateTimeX-Format
- DateTimeX-Web
- DB-Color
- DB-Skip
- DB_File
- DBD-Mock
- DBD-mysql
- DBD-mysqlPPrawSjis
- DBD-Pg
- DBD-PgPPSjis
- DBD-SQLite
- DBI-Lite
- DBICx-MaterializedPath
- DBICx-Sugar
- DBICx-TestDatabase
- DBIx-Admin-CreateTable
- DBIx-Admin-DSNManager
- DBIx-Admin-TableInfo
- DBIx-Class
- DBIx-Class-Candy
- DBIx-Class-DateTime-Epoch
- DBIx-Class-DeploymentHandler
- DBIx-Class-DynamicDefault
- DBIx-Class-EncodedColumn
- DBIx-Class-EncodedColumn-Crypt-Scrypt
- DBIx-Class-Factory
- DBIx-Class-Fixtures
- DBIx-Class-Helpers
- DBIx-Class-Indexed
- DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-Authen-Passphrase
- DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-FS
- DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-Object-Enum
- DBIx-Class-InflateColumn-Serializer
- DBIx-Class-IntrospectableM2M
- DBIx-Class-Migration
- DBIx-Class-PassphraseColumn
- DBIx-Class-QueryLog
- DBIx-Class-RandomStringColumns
- DBIx-Class-Result-ColumnData
- DBIx-Class-Result-Validation
- DBIx-Class-ResultSet-RecursiveUpdate
- DBIx-Class-Schema-Diff
- DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader
- DBIx-Class-Schema-PopulateMore
- DBIx-Class-TimeStamp
- DBIx-Class-TopoSort
- DBIx-Class-Tree
- DBIx-Class-UUIDColumns
- DBIx-Class-Validation-Structure
- DBIx-Class-Wrapper
- DBIx-Connector
- DBIx-CSVDumper
- DBIx-Custom
- DBIx-DataModel
- DBIx-DBSchema
- DBIx-Fast
- DBIx-FixtureLoader
- DBIx-Handler
- DBIx-Inspector
- DBIx-Introspector
- DBIx-Locker
- DBIx-Patcher
- DBIx-QueryLog
- DBIx-Report-Excel
- DBIx-RetryOverDisconnects
- DBIx-RewriteDSN
- DBIx-Schema-UpToDate
- DBIx-Simple
- DBIx-Sunny
- DBIx-TableLoader
- DBIx-TableLoader-CSV
- DBIx-ThinSQL
- DBIx-ThinSQL-SQLite
- DBIx-TransactionManager
- DBIx-Tree
- DBM-Deep
- DBM-Deep-Manager
- DeathByCaptcha
- Debug-Client
- Debug-Easy
- Debuggit
- Deep-Hash-Exists
- DefHash
- define
- DestructAssign
- Devel-Autoflush
- Devel-Backtrace
- Devel-BeginLift
- Devel-CallChecker
- Devel-Caller
- Devel-CallParser
- Devel-Callsite
- Devel-CheckBin
- Devel-CheckCompiler
- Devel-CheckLib
- Devel-CheckOS
- Devel-Chitin
- Devel-Confess
- Devel-Constants
- Devel-Cover
- Devel-Cover-Report-Clover
- Devel-Cover-Report-Codecov
- Devel-Cover-Report-Phabricator
- Devel-Cycle
- Devel-Declare
- Devel-DProf
- Devel-Dumpvar
- Devel-Examine-Subs
- Devel-FindPerl
- Devel-FindRef
- Devel-GDB
- Devel-GlobalDestruction
- Devel-GlobalDestruction-XS
- Devel-hdb
- Devel-Hide
- Devel-InheritNamespace
- Devel-JSON
- Devel-Leak
- Devel-Leak-Module
- Devel-LexAlias
- Devel-Mallinfo
- Devel-NYTProf
- Devel-OverloadInfo
- Devel-PartialDump
- Devel-PatchPerl
- Devel-PeekPoke
- Devel-PerlLog
- Devel-PL_origargv
- Devel-Platform-Info
- Devel-Plumber
- Devel-PPPort
- Devel-Pragma
- Devel-Refactor
- Devel-Refcount
- Devel-REPL
- Devel-Size
- Devel-StackTrace
- Devel-StackTrace-AsHTML
- Devel-StackTrace-WithLexicals
- Devel-STDERR-Indent
- Devel-Symdump
- Devel-TakeHashArgs
- Devel-Trace
- Devel-Trace-Subs
- Devel-TrackObjects
- Devel-TrackSIG
- Devel-Trepan
- Devel-Trepan-Disassemble
- Device-BusPirate
- Device-Moose-SCSI
- Device-Onkyo
- Device-PiLite
- Device-SerialPort
- Device-WebIO
- Diabetes-Glucose
- Dicom-DCMTK-DCMDump-Get
- Dicom-File-Detect
- DicomPack
- Dictionary-Cambridge
- Diff-LibXDiff
- Digest
- Digest-BubbleBabble
- Digest-CRC
- Digest-FNV-XS
- Digest-HMAC
- Digest-JHash
- Digest-MD2
- Digest-MD4
- Digest-MD5
- Digest-MD5-File
- Digest-Perl-MD5
- Digest-SHA
- Digest-SHA-PurePerl
- Digest-SHA1
- Digest-SHA3
- Digest-SipHash
- Digest-Whirlpool
- Digest-xxHash
- Digest-xxHash64
- Dir-Self
- Directory-Iterator
- Directory-Iterator-PP
- Directory-Queue
- Directory-Scratch
- Dist-CheckConflicts
- Dist-Data
- Dist-Metadata
- Dist-Requires
- Dist-Zilla
- Dist-Zilla-App-Command-bakeini
- Dist-Zilla-App-Command-cover
- Dist-Zilla-App-Command-critic
- Dist-Zilla-App-Command-dhmakeperl
- Dist-Zilla-App-Command-dumpphases
- Dist-Zilla-App-Command-dumpwith
- Dist-Zilla-App-Command-lsplugins
- Dist-Zilla-App-Command-self
- Dist-Zilla-App-Command-update
- Dist-Zilla-Chef
- Dist-Zilla-Config-Slicer
- Dist-Zilla-LocaleTextDomain
- Dist-Zilla-MintingProfile-MapMetro-Map
- Dist-Zilla-MintingProfile-RTx
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Alien
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-AppendExternalData
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Author-KENTNL-CONTRIBUTING
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Author-KENTNL-RecommendFixes
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Author-KENTNL-TravisCI
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Authority
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-AutoMetaResources
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-AutoVersion-Relative
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-lib
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bootstrap-ShareDir-Module
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Bugtracker
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-BuildSelf
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-BumpVersionAfterRelease
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-BumpVersionFromGit
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-BundleInspector
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ChangelogFromGit
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ChangeStats-Git
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckChangeLog
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckChangesHasContent
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckExtraTests
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckIssues
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckMetaResources
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckPrereqsIndexed
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckSelfDependency
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CheckVersionIncrement
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Clean
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CoalescePod
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CoderwallEndorse
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CompileTests
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ContributorsFile
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-CopyFilesFromBuild
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Covenant
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Documentation-SQL
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-DualLife
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-EOLTests
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Extras
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-FakeFaker
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-GenerateFile-ShareDir
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Git-NextRelease
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Git-Remote-Check
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-GitHub
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-GithubMeta
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-GitHubREADME-Badge
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-GitObtain
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-InlineModule
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-InsertExample
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-InstallGuide
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-InstallRelease
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Keywords
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MakeMaker-Awesome
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MakeMaker-Fallback
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ManifestInRoot
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MarkdownInRoot
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MatchManifest
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MathInt64
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Mercurial
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Meta-Contributors
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Meta-Dynamic-Config
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MetaData-BuiltWith
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MetaProvides
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MetaProvides-FromFile
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MetaProvides-Package
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MinimumPerl
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ModuleBuildTiny
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ModuleBuildTiny-Fallback
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ModuleInstall
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-MojibakeTests
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-NoSmartCommentsTests
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-NoTabsTests
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-OSPrereqs
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-OurDate
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-OurPkgVersion
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-PathInRoot
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-PERLANCAR-OurPkgVersion
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-PerlTidy
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Pinto-Add
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-PodLoom
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-PodWeaver
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Prepender
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Prereqs-MatchInstalled
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Prereqs-Recommend-MatchInstalled
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-PromptIfStale
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ReadmeAnyFromPod
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ReadmeFromPod
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ReadmeMarkdown-CoderwallEndorse
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-RemovePrereqs-Provided
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ReportPhase
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-ReportVersions-Tiny
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Repository
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-RewriteVersion-Transitional
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-RPM
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Run
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-StaticInstall
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Subversion-NextVersion
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-TaskWeaver
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-TemplateFiles
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-AssureDeps
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-CheckDeps
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-CleanNamespaces
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Compile
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Compile-PerFile
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-CPAN-Changes
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-DistManifest
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-EOL
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Fixme
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Inline
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Kwalitee
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-LocalBrew
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-MinimumVersion
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-NewVersion
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-NoTabs
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Perl-Critic
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Pod-Coverage-Configurable
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-PodSpelling
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Portability
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-ReportPrereqs
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Synopsis
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Test-Version
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-TestBaseIncluder
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-TestMLIncluder
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-TidyAll
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-Travis-ConfigForReleaseBranch
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-TravisCI
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-TravisCI-StatusBadge
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-UploadToCpanSite
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-UploadToDuckPAN
- Dist-Zilla-Plugin-VerifyPhases
- Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Author-Plicease
- Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-BINGOS
- Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-CJFIELDS
- Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-Dancer
- Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-FLORA
- Dist-Zilla-PluginBundle-RSRCHBOY
- Dist-Zilla-Plugins-CJM
- Dist-Zilla-Role-Bootstrap
- Dist-Zilla-Role-BundleDeps
- Dist-Zilla-Role-File-ChangeNotification
- Dist-Zilla-Role-FileWatcher
- Dist-Zilla-Role-ModuleIncluder
- Dist-Zilla-Role-ModuleMetadata
- Dist-Zilla-Role-PluginBundle-PluginRemover
- Dist-Zilla-Role-Tempdir
- Dist-Zilla-Role-Version-Sanitize
- Dist-Zilla-Util-BundleInfo
- Dist-Zilla-Util-ConfigDumper
- Dist-Zilla-Util-EmulatePhase
- Dist-Zilla-Util-ExpandINI
- Dist-Zilla-Util-Git-Refs
- Dist-Zilla-Util-Git-Tags
- Dist-Zilla-Util-Git-Wrapper
- Dist-Zilla-Util-RoleDB
- Dist-Zilla-Util-SimpleMunge
- Dist-Zilla-Util-Test-KENTNL
- Dist-Zilla-UtilRole-MaybeZilla
- Dist-Zooky
- Distribution-Metadata
- DNS-Oterica
- Docopt
- Document-TriPart
- Document-Writer
- Domain-PublicSuffix
- Doxygen-Filter-Perl
- DPKG-Parse
- Drogo
- Dwimmer
- DynaLoader-Functions
- EBook-EPUB-Lite
- EBook-MOBI
- Echo-StreamServer
- Eixo-Base
- Eixo-Rest
- Elastic-Model
- ElasticSearch
- ElasticSearch-SearchBuilder
- ElasticSearch-Transport-AECurl
- ElasticSearch-Transport-AEHTTP
- ElasticSearch-Transport-Curl
- ElasticSearchX-Autocomplete
- ElasticSearchX-Autocomplete-GeoNames
- ElasticSearchX-Model
- ElasticSearchX-UniqueKey
- Email-Abstract
- Email-Address
- Email-Address-Loose
- Email-ARF
- Email-Assets
- Email-Date
- Email-Date-Format
- Email-Folder
- Email-FolderType
- Email-FolderType-Net
- Email-LocalDelivery
- Email-MessageID
- Email-MIME
- Email-MIME-ContentType
- Email-MIME-CreateHTML
- Email-MIME-Encodings
- Email-MIME-Kit
- Email-MIME-Kit-Assembler-Markdown
- Email-MIME-Kit-Assembler-TextifyHTML
- Email-MIME-Kit-KitReader-SWAK
- Email-MIME-Kit-Renderer-Text-Template
- Email-MIME-Kit-Renderer-TT
- Email-MIME-Kit-Validator-Rx
- Email-MIME-RFC2047
- Email-Outlook-Message
- Email-Pipemailer
- Email-Send
- Email-Send-SMTP-Gmail
- Email-Sender
- Email-Sender-Transport-SQLite
- Email-Simple
- Email-Simple-Test-TraceHeaders
- Email-Stuff
- Email-Stuffer
- Email-Valid
- Email-Valid-Loose
- Encode
- Encode-Base58
- Encode-BetaCode
- Encode-Detect-CJK
- Encode-IMAPUTF7
- Encode-ISO2022
- Encode-JIS2K
- Encode-JISX0213
- Encode-JP-Mobile
- Encode-Locale
- Encode-Newlines
- Encode-RAD50
- Encode-UTF8Mac
- Encoding-FixLatin
- encoding-warnings
- Enterasys-NetSight
- enum
- Enumerate-PerlList
- Env-C
- Env-Heroku
- Env-Path
- Env-Sanctify
- EPublisher
- EPublisher-Source-Plugin-PerltutsCom
- EPublisher-Target-Plugin-EPub
- Error
- Error-Helper
- Error-Pure
- Error-Pure-Always
- Error-Pure-HTTP
- Error-Pure-HTTP-JSON
- Error-Pure-JSON
- Error-Pure-NoDie
- Error-Pure-Output-JSON
- Error-Pure-Output-Tags-HTMLCustomPage
- Error-Pure-Output-Text
- Etherpad-API
- EV
- Eval-Closure
- Eval-LineNumbers
- Eval-WithLexicals
- Event
- Event-ScreenSaver
- ex-lib
- Excel-Writer-XLSX
- Exception-Base
- Exception-Class
- Exception-Class-TryCatch
- Exception-Died
- Exception-Handler
- Exception-Tiny
- ExclusiveLock-Guard
- Expect
- Expect-Simple
- Exporter
- Exporter-Declare
- Exporter-Easy
- Exporter-Lite
- Exporter-Tidy
- Exporter-Tiny
- ExtUtils-BuildRC
- ExtUtils-CBuilder
- ExtUtils-CChecker
- ExtUtils-Command
- ExtUtils-Config
- ExtUtils-Constant
- ExtUtils-CppGuess
- ExtUtils-Depends
- ExtUtils-F77
- ExtUtils-HasCompiler
- ExtUtils-Helpers
- ExtUtils-Install
- ExtUtils-InstallPaths
- ExtUtils-LibBuilder
- ExtUtils-MakeMaker
- ExtUtils-MakeMaker-CPANfile
- ExtUtils-Manifest
- ExtUtils-ModuleMaker
- ExtUtils-ParseXS
- ExtUtils-PkgConfig
- ExtUtils-Typemap
- ExtUtils-Typemaps-Default
- ExtUtils-Typemaps-Excommunicated
- ExtUtils-XSpp
- Facebook-Graph
- failures
- FBP-Perl
- FCGI-Daemon
- FCGI-ProcManager
- Feed-Find
- Fennec
- Fennec-Lite
- Fey
- Fey-DBIManager
- Fey-ORM
- Fey-ORM-Mock
- Fey-Test
- FFI-CheckLib
- FFI-Platypus
- FFI-Platypus-Type-StringArray
- FFI-TinyCC
- FFI-Util
- File-ANVL
- File-AtomicWrite
- File-BaseDir
- File-Basename-Extra
- File-Binary
- File-Blarf
- File-BOM
- File-ChangeNotify
- File-chdir
- File-chmod
- File-CodeSearch
- File-Comments
- File-Compressible
- File-ConfigDir
- File-DataClass
- File-DesktopEntry
- File-Details
- File-Dropbox
- File-Edit-Portable
- File-FcntlLock
- File-Fetch
- File-Find-Iterator
- File-Find-Object
- File-Find-Rule
- File-Find-Rule-Dicom
- File-Find-Rule-Perl
- File-Find-Rule-VCS
- File-Finder
- File-FindLib
- File-Fingerprint-Huge
- File-FnMatch
- File-GetLineMaxLength
- File-Gettext
- File-Grep
- File-HomeDir
- File-LibMagic-FFI
- File-LinkTree-Builder
- File-Listing
- File-Locate-Iterator
- File-Map
- File-MimeInfo
- File-MMagic
- File-Modified
- File-Namaste
- File-Next
- File-NFSLock
- File-Object
- File-Pairtree
- File-Path
- File-Path-Expand
- File-Path-Tiny
- File-PathInfo
- File-PathList
- File-Pid
- File-Policy
- File-pushd
- File-RandomLine
- File-ReadBackwards
- File-Remove
- File-Rotate-Simple
- File-Rsync
- File-Rules
- File-Save-Home
- File-SearchPath
- File-Share
- File-ShareDir
- File-ShareDir-Install
- File-ShareDir-Override
- File-ShareDir-ProjectDistDir
- File-ShareDir-Tarball
- File-Slurp
- File-Slurp-Tiny
- File-Slurper
- File-Spec-Native
- File-Sync
- File-Tabular
- File-Tabular-Web
- File-Tail
- File-Tail-Lite
- File-Tempdir
- File-Touch
- File-Type
- File-TypeCategories
- File-UnixAuth
- File-Util
- File-Value
- File-Which
- File-Zglob
- Filesys-Notify-KQueue
- Filesys-Notify-Simple
- Filesys-POSIX
- FilmAffinity-UserRating
- Filter
- Filter-Dockerfile
- Filter-Heredoc
- Filter-PPI-Transform
- Filter-Simple
- Filter-Template
- filtered
- Finance-Bank-BR-Santander-Spreadsheet
- Finance-Bank-BR-Santander-Spreasheet
- Finance-Bank-Postbank_de
- Finance-Bank-Schwab
- Finance-Bank-SuomenVerkkomaksut
- Finance-Bank-US-ShareBuilder
- Finance-Currency-Convert
- Finance-Currency-Convert-ECB
- Finance-Currency-Convert-WebserviceX
- Finance-Google-Portfolio
- Finance-InteractiveBrokers-API
- Finance-Quote
- Finance-Quote-Grab
- Finance-TW-TAIFEX
- Find-Lib
- FindBin-libs
- Flickr-API
- Flickr-API2
- Flickr-Tools
- Flow
- Font-FreeType
- Font-TFM
- Font-TTF
- Font-TTF-Scripts
- Food-ECodes
- Forest
- forkprove
- Forks-Super
- Form-Diva
- Form-Sensible
- Format-CN
- Format-Human-Bytes
- Format-Util
- FormatNroff
- FormValidator-Lite
- Forward-Routes
- FreezeThaw
- Frontier-RPC
- FSA-Rules
- FTN-Packet
- Furl
- FusionInventory-Agent
- FusionInventory-Agent-Task-ESX
- FusionInventory-Agent-Task-OcsDeploy
- Future
- Future-Q
- fytwORM
- Game-Theory-TwoPersonMatrix
- Games-ABC_Path-Generator
- Games-ABC_Path-Solver
- Games-Bingo
- Games-BubbleBreaker
- Games-ConnectFour
- Games-Dice-Loaded
- Games-Domino
- Games-Dukedom
- Games-Hack-Live
- Games-Hack-Patch-i686
- Games-JackThief
- Games-TicTacToe
- Gazelle
- GBrowse
- GD
- GD-Barcode
- GD-Chart-Radial
- GD-Graph-ohlc
- GDGraph
- GDTextUtil
- Gearman
- Gearman-Server
- Gearman-SlotManager
- Gedcom
- Gedcom-Date
- Geneos-API
- Generic-Assertions
- Gentoo-Overlay
- Gentoo-Util-VirtualDepend
- Geo-BUFR
- Geo-CEP
- Geo-Cloudmade
- Geo-Coder-Geocoder-US
- Geo-Coder-Google
- Geo-Coder-Googlev3
- Geo-Coder-Ovi
- Geo-Coordinates-Converter
- Geo-Coordinates-ITM
- Geo-Coordinates-OSGB
- Geo-Coordinates-UTM
- Geo-Distance
- Geo-Google
- Geo-GoogleMaps-OffsetCenter
- Geo-Hash-Grid
- Geo-Hash-XS
- Geo-IP
- Geo-IP-PurePerl
- Geo-IPfree
- Geo-JSON
- Geo-Local-Server
- Geo-Location-TimeZone
- Geo-Region
- Geo-StreetAddress-US
- Geo-USCensus-Geocoding
- Geo-WebService-Elevation-USGS
- Geography-BrazilianStates
- Geography-Countries
- Geometry-AffineTransform
- Geometry-Primitive
- Getopt-Alt
- Getopt-ArgvFile
- Getopt-Auto
- Getopt-Chain
- Getopt-Compact
- Getopt-Compact-WithCmd
- Getopt-Complete
- Getopt-Config-FromPod
- Getopt-EvaP
- Getopt-Lazy
- Getopt-Long
- Getopt-Long-Descriptive
- Getopt-Long-DescriptivePod
- Getopt-Lucid
- Getopt-Modular
- Getopt-Simple
- Getopt-Usaginator
- gettext
- Git
- Git-FastExport
- Git-PurePerl
- Git-Raw
- Git-Repository
- Git-Repository-FileHistory
- Git-Repository-Plugin-Blame
- Git-Repository-Plugin-Log
- Git-Repository-Plugin-Test
- git-server
- Git-Wrapper
- Git-Wrapper-Plus
- Github-Fork-Parent
- Github-Hooks-Receiver
- GitStore
- Glib
- Glib-Ex-ConnectProperties
- Glib-Ex-ObjectBits
- GnuPG-Interface
- Gnuplot-Builder
- Gnuplot-Builder-TempFile
- Google-Directions
- Google-ProtocolBuffers
- Google-SAML-Request
- Google-SAML-Response
- Google-Search
- Goose
- Graph
- Graph-Chart
- Graph-ChuLiuEdmonds
- Graph-Convert
- Graph-Easy
- Graph-Easy-Weighted
- Graph-Graph6
- Graph-Maker
- Graph-Maker-Other
- Graph-Reader-LoadClassHierarchy
- Graph-Reader-OID
- Graph-Reader-TGF
- Graph-Reader-TGF-CSV
- Graph-Reader-UnicodeTree
- Graph-ReadWrite
- Graph-Weighted
- Graphics-Color
- Graphics-ColorNames
- Graphics-ColorNames-WWW
- Graphics-GnuplotIF
- Graphics-Primitive
- Graphics-Primitive-Driver-Cairo
- GraphViz
- GraphViz2
- GraphViz2-Marpa
- GraphViz2-Marpa-PathUtils
- Gravatar-URL
- Grimlock
- Group-Git
- Group-Git-Cmd-Ivan
- Group-Git-Cmd-SinceRelease
- Group-Git-Taggers-Maven
- Gtk2
- Gtk2-Ex-Builder
- Gtk2-Ex-ComboBoxBits
- Gtk2-Ex-Dragger
- Gtk2-Ex-NumAxis
- Gtk2-Ex-Splash
- Gtk2-Ex-WidgetBits
- Gtk2-Ex-WidgetCursor
- Gtk2-TrayIcon
- Guard
- Gzip-Faster
- HackaMol
- HackaMol-X-ExtensionRole
- Hadoop-Admin
- Hadoop-Streaming
- Hash-AsObject
- Hash-Diff
- Hash-FieldHash
- Hash-Flatten
- Hash-Inflator
- Hash-Layout
- Hash-Map
- Hash-MD5
- Hash-Merge
- Hash-Merge-Simple
- Hash-MoreUtils
- Hash-MultiValue
- Hash-Ordered
- Hash-Param
- Hash-Path
- Hash-Persistent
- Hash-SharedMem
- Hash-Slice
- Hash-Type
- Hash-Util-FieldHash-Compat
- Hash-Weighted-Categorize
- Hashids
- Heap
- Helios
- Helios-Panoptes
- here
- Hijk
- Hither
- HOI-Comprehensions
- HOI-Match
- Hook-AfterRuntime
- Hook-LexWrap
- HOP-Lexer
- HOP-Stream
- Hostfile-Manager
- HPC-Runner-Slurm
- HTML-Accessors
- HTML-AutoTag
- HTML-Barcode
- HTML-Barcode-Code93
- HTML-Barcode-DataMatrix
- HTML-Diff
- HTML-Display
- HTML-EasyTags
- HTML-Element-Library
- HTML-Embellish
- HTML-Encoding
- HTML-Entities-ConvertPictogramMobileJp
- HTML-Escape
- HTML-FillInForm
- HTML-FillInForm-Lite
- HTML-Form
- HTML-Format
- HTML-FormatText-WithLinks
- HTML-FormBuilder
- HTML-FormFu
- HTML-FormHandler
- HTML-FormHandler-Model-DBIC
- HTML-FormHandlerX-Form-Contact
- HTML-FormHelpers
- HTML-FormWidgets
- HTML-GenerateUtil
- HTML-HeadParser-Liberal
- HTML-HTML5-Entities
- HTML-HTML5-Outline
- HTML-HTML5-Parser
- HTML-JQuery
- HTML-Lint
- HTML-Lint-Pluggable
- HTML-Mason
- HTML-Menu-TreeView
- HTML-MobileJp
- HTML-Packer
- HTML-ParseBrowser
- HTML-Parser
- HTML-Parser-Simple
- HTML-Perlinfo
- HTML-PrettyPrinter
- HTML-Query
- HTML-Rebase
- HTML-Restrict
- HTML-Scrubber
- HTML-Selector-XPath
- HTML-Shakan
- HTML-Similarity
- HTML-SimpleLinkExtor
- HTML-StickyForm
- HTML-StickyQuery
- HTML-Strip
- HTML-StripScripts
- HTML-StripScripts-Parser
- HTML-Table
- HTML-Table-FromDatabase
- HTML-TableExtract
- HTML-TableParser
- HTML-Tabulate
- HTML-TagCloud
- HTML-TagFilter
- HTML-Tagset
- HTML-Template
- HTML-Template-Compiled
- HTML-Template-Compiled-Plugin-DHTML
- HTML-Template-Expr
- HTML-Template-Filter-TT2
- HTML-Template-Pro
- HTML-Tidy-libXML
- HTML-Timeline
- HTML-Tiny
- HTML-TokeParser-Simple
- HTML-Tree
- HTML-TreeBuilder-LibXML
- HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath
- HTMLTMPL-Extended
- HTTP-AcceptLanguage
- HTTP-Any
- HTTP-Async
- HTTP-Body
- HTTP-Body-Builder
- HTTP-BrowserDetect
- HTTP-ClientDetect
- HTTP-CookieMonster
- HTTP-Cookies
- HTTP-Cookies-Mozilla
- HTTP-Cookies-Opera
- HTTP-Daemon
- HTTP-Date
- HTTP-DetectUserAgent
- HTTP-Exception
- HTTP-Headers-ActionPack
- HTTP-Headers-Fast
- HTTP-Lite
- HTTP-Message
- HTTP-MobileAgent
- HTTP-MobileAgent-Plugin-Charset
- HTTP-MobileAttribute
- HTTP-Negotiate
- HTTP-Online
- HTTP-Parser-XS
- HTTP-Proxy
- HTTP-QuickBase
- HTTP-Request-AsCGI
- HTTP-Request-StreamingUpload
- HTTP-Response-Stringable
- HTTP-Server-Brick
- HTTP-Server-Simple
- HTTP-Server-Simple-Authen
- HTTP-Server-Simple-PSGI
- HTTP-Server-Simple-Recorder
- HTTP-ServerEvent
- HTTP-Session
- HTTP-Throwable
- HTTP-Tiny
- HTTP-Tiny-Mech
- HTTP-Tiny-Multipart
- HTTP-Tinyish
- HTTP-XSHeaders
- HTTP_Auth-for-Dancer2
- Hypothesis-API
- I22r-Translate
- iCal-Parser
- ICal-QuickAdd
- Icon-FamFamFam-Silk
- if
- Ima-DBI-Contextual
- Image-Animated-JPEG
- Image-Base
- Image-Base-GD
- Image-Base-Gtk2
- Image-Base-Other
- Image-Base-Tk
- Image-BMP
- Image-Compare
- Image-Empty
- Image-Epeg
- Image-EXIF-DateTime-Parser
- Image-ExifTool
- Image-Index-LaTeX
- Image-Info
- Image-Info-XS
- Image-JpegCheck
- Image-LibRSVG
- Image-MetaData-JPEG
- Image-PNG-Libpng
- Image-PNG-Simple
- Image-Random
- Image-Resize
- Image-Scale
- Image-Size
- Image-WordCloud
- Image-Xbm
- Imager
- Imager-Draw-Hexagon
- Imager-File-JPEG
- Imager-File-PNG
- Imager-Filter-Statistic
- Imager-Font-FT2
- Imager-Graph
- Imager-Screenshot
- IMAP-BodyStructure
- IMAP-Query
- IMDB-Local
- Import-Into
- In-Korean-Numbers-SinoKorean
- inc-latest
- IncomeTax-IND
- IncomeTax-UK
- Indent
- Indexuri-Apartament
- indirect
- Inline
- Inline-C
- Inline-CPP
- Inline-Module
- InlineX-C2XS
- Input-Validator
- Interchange6-Schema
- InterMine-Model
- InterMine-TypeLibrary
- Internals-DumpArenas
- IO
- IO-All
- IO-Any
- IO-Async
- IO-Async-Resolver-DNS
- IO-Async-SSL
- IO-Capture
- IO-Capture-Extended
- IO-CaptureOutput
- IO-Compress
- IO-Compress-Lzf
- IO-Compress-Lzma
- IO-Detect
- IO-Die
- IO-Digest
- IO-Event
- IO-File-AtomicChange
- IO-File-WithPath
- IO-Ftp
- IO-Handle-Util
- IO-Interactive
- IO-Interface
- IO-Iron
- IO-KQueue
- IO-Multiplex-Intermediary
- IO-Pager
- IO-Pipely
- IO-Prompt
- IO-Prompt-Hooked
- IO-Prompt-Simple
- IO-Prompt-Timeout
- IO-Prompt-Tiny
- IO-Pty-Easy
- IO-SessionData
- IO-Slice
- IO-Socket-INET6
- IO-Socket-IP
- IO-Socket-Multicast
- IO-Socket-Socks
- IO-Socket-SSL
- IO-Socket-Timeout
- IO-String
- IO-stringy
- IO-Stty
- IO-Tee
- IO-Termios
- IO-TieCombine
- IO-Tty
- IOD-Examples
- IP-China
- IP-Country
- IP-Info
- IPC-ConcurrencyLimit
- IPC-Filter
- IPC-Lockfile
- IPC-Messaging
- IPC-Pidfile
- IPC-PubSub
- IPC-Run
- IPC-Run3
- IPC-Run3-Shell
- IPC-Run3-Simple
- IPC-Shareable
- IPC-ShareLite
- IPC-Signal
- IPC-SRLock
- IPC-System-Options
- IPC-System-Simple
- IPC-Transit-Router
- IRC-Toolkit
- IRC-Utils
- Iterator
- Iterator-Paged
- Iterator-Util
- Java-Makefile
- JavaScript-Duktape
- JavaScript-ExtJS-V3
- JavaScript-Minifier
- JavaScript-Minifier-XS
- JavaScript-Packer
- JavaScript-Value-Escape
- Jcode
- JE
- Jemplate
- Jifty-DBI
- JIP-ClassField
- JIP-Conf
- JIP-Daemon
- JIP-LockFile
- Job-Machine
- JSON-Any
- JSON-API-v1.0.3
- JSON-Builder
- JSON-Create
- JSON-Hyper
- JSON-MaybeXS
- JSON-MultiValueOrdered
- JSON-Parse
- JSON-Path
- JSON-Pointer
- JSON-Relaxed
- JSON-RPC-Common
- JSON-Streaming-Reader
- JSON-String
- JSON-Tiny
- JSON-WebToken
- Kelp
- KiokuDB-Backend-DBI
- Kwalify
- Labyrinth
- Labyrinth-Plugin-Album
- Labyrinth-Plugin-Articles-Lyrics
- Labyrinth-Plugin-Core
- Labyrinth-Plugin-CPAN
- Labyrinth-Plugin-Requests
- Labyrinth-Plugin-Review
- Labyrinth-Plugin-Review-Book
- Labyrinth-Plugin-Survey
- Labyrinth-Plugin-Wiki
- Labyrinth-Test-Harness
- LaTeX-Writer-Simple
- Lavoco-Website
- Layout-Manager
- LCFG-Build-PkgSpec
- LCFG-Build-Tools
- LCFG-Build-VCS
- Lego-Part
- Lego-Part-Image
- Lemonldap-NG-Common
- Lemonldap-NG-Handler
- Lexical-Persistence
- Lexical-SealRequireHints
- Lexical-Types
- lexical-underscore
- Lexical-Var
- lexicals
- lib-abs
- lib-filter
- lib-remote
- lib-require-all
- LibA2
- libintl-perl
- libnet
- libnf
- libwww-perl
- libxml-perl
- Lim
- Lingua-Any-Numbers
- Lingua-Diversity
- Lingua-EN-Fathom
- Lingua-EN-FindNumber
- Lingua-EN-Fractions
- Lingua-EN-Inflect
- Lingua-EN-Inflect-Number
- Lingua-EN-Inflect-Phrase
- Lingua-EN-NameCase
- Lingua-EN-NamedEntity
- Lingua-EN-Number-IsOrdinal
- Lingua-EN-Numbers
- Lingua-EN-Numbers-Easy
- Lingua-EN-Numbers-Years
- Lingua-EN-PluralToSingular
- Lingua-EN-Squeeze
- Lingua-EN-Syllable
- Lingua-EN-Tagger
- Lingua-EN-Words2Nums
- Lingua-EO-Orthography
- Lingua-FR-Hyphen
- Lingua-FreeLing3
- Lingua-Han-Cantonese
- Lingua-Han-PinYin
- Lingua-Han-Utils
- Lingua-Identify
- Lingua-Identify-Blacklists
- Lingua-Identify-CLD
- Lingua-IND-Numbers
- Lingua-Interset
- Lingua-JA-Dakuon
- Lingua-JA-Moji
- Lingua-JA-NormalizeText
- Lingua-JA-Regular-Unicode
- Lingua-JA-Romaji-Valid
- Lingua-Jspell
- Lingua-Numending
- Lingua-PT-Abbrev
- Lingua-PT-PLNbase
- Lingua-PT-Stemmer
- Lingua-Stem
- Lingua-Stem-Fr
- Lingua-Stem-It
- Lingua-Stem-Patch
- Lingua-Stem-Ru
- Lingua-Stem-Snowball
- Lingua-Stem-Snowball-Da
- Lingua-StopWords
- Lingua-Translate
- Lingua-Translate-Yandex
- Lingua-Translit
- Lingua-TreeTagger
- Lingua-Word-Parser
- Lingua-YALI
- Linux-DVB-DVBT
- Linux-Smaps-Tiny
- Linux-Statm-Tiny
- Lirc-Client
- List-AllUtils
- List-AssignRef
- List-BinarySearch
- List-BinarySearch-XS
- List-Compare
- List-Cycle
- List-EvenMore
- List-Gen
- List-MoreUtils
- List-Objects-Types
- List-Objects-WithUtils
- List-Pairwise
- List-PowerSet
- List-Rotation-Cycle
- List-Slice
- List-Sliding-Changes
- List-Uniq
- List-Util-WeightedChoice
- List-UtilsBy
- List-Vectorize
- LittleORM
- local-lib
- Locale-Codes
- Locale-Country-Extra
- Locale-Country-Multilingual
- Locale-Currency-Format
- Locale-Maketext
- Locale-Maketext-Fuzzy
- Locale-Maketext-Gettext
- Locale-Maketext-Lexicon
- Locale-MO-File
- Locale-Msgfmt
- Locale-PO
- Locale-POFileManager
- Locale-Scope
- Locale-SubCountry
- Locale-TextDomain-OO
- Locale-TextDomain-OO-Util
- Locale-Utils-PlaceholderMaketext
- Locale-Utils-PlaceholderNamed
- Locale-Wolowitz
- Lock-File
- LockFile-Simple
- Log-Agent
- Log-Any
- Log-Any-Adapter
- Log-Any-Adapter-Callback
- Log-Any-Adapter-Handler
- Log-Any-Adapter-Log4perl
- Log-Any-Adapter-Redis
- Log-Any-Adapter-Syslog
- Log-Any-For-Std
- Log-Any-Plugin
- Log-AutoDump
- Log-Caller
- Log-Contextual
- Log-Contextual-LogDispatchouli
- Log-Deep
- Log-Defer
- Log-Defer-Viz
- Log-Dispatch
- Log-Dispatch-Array
- Log-Dispatch-Config
- Log-Dispatch-Configurator-Any
- Log-Dispatch-Configurator-Perl
- Log-Dispatch-File-Stamped
- Log-Dispatch-HipChat
- Log-Dispatch-Pipe
- Log-Dispatchouli
- Log-Dump
- Log-Emitter
- Log-Fast
- Log-Fu
- Log-Handler
- Log-Lite
- Log-Log4perl
- Log-Log4perl-Appender-Elasticsearch
- Log-Log4perl-Appender-Lim-CLI
- Log-Log4perl-Appender-Raven
- Log-Log4perl-Tiny
- Log-Minimal
- Log-Report
- Log-Saftpresse
- Log-Syslog-Constants
- Log-Syslog-Fast
- Log-Tiny
- Log-Trace
- Logwatch-RecordTree
- Loop-Flow-Object
- Lucy
- LucyX-Search-NullTermQuery
- LucyX-Search-WildcardQuery
- LV
- lvalue
- LWP-ConnCache-MaxKeepAliveRequests
- LWP-Curl
- LWP-MediaTypes
- LWP-Online
- LWP-Protocol-AnyEvent-http
- LWP-Protocol-Coro-http
- LWP-Protocol-https
- LWP-Protocol-PSGI
- LWP-Protocol-socks
- LWP-Protocol-UWSGI
- LWP-UserAgent-Anonymous
- LWP-UserAgent-CHICaching
- LWP-UserAgent-Determined
- LWP-UserAgent-Paranoid
- LWP-UserAgent-WithCache
- LWPx-ParanoidHandler
- Mac-Alias-Parse
- Mac-Pasteboard
- Mac-PropertyList
- Machine-Epsilon
- Mail-Alias-Reader
- Mail-Audit
- Mail-Builder
- Mail-Builder-Simple
- Mail-DeliveryStatus-BounceParser
- Mail-DKIM
- Mail-DMARC
- Mail-GcalReminder
- Mail-GnuPG
- Mail-IMAPClient
- Mail-POP3
- Mail-POP3Client
- Mail-RBL
- Mail-Sender
- Mail-SendGrid
- Mail-Sendmail
- Mail-SMTP-Honeypot
- MailTools
- Makefile-Update
- Map-Metro-Plugin-Map-Oslo
- Map-Tube
- Map-Tube-Barcelona
- Map-Tube-Beijing
- Map-Tube-Berlin
- Map-Tube-Bucharest
- Map-Tube-Budapest
- Map-Tube-Cookbook
- Map-Tube-Delhi
- Map-Tube-Dnipropetrovsk
- Map-Tube-Exception
- Map-Tube-Glasgow
- Map-Tube-Graph
- Map-Tube-Kazan
- Map-Tube-Kharkiv
- Map-Tube-Kiev
- Map-Tube-KoelnBonn
- Map-Tube-KualaLumpur
- Map-Tube-London
- Map-Tube-Lyon
- Map-Tube-Malaga
- Map-Tube-Minsk
- Map-Tube-Moscow
- Map-Tube-Nanjing
- Map-Tube-NizhnyNovgorod
- Map-Tube-Novosibirsk
- Map-Tube-NYC
- Map-Tube-Prague
- Map-Tube-SaintPetersburg
- Map-Tube-Samara
- Map-Tube-Singapore
- Map-Tube-Sofia
- Map-Tube-Tbilisi
- Map-Tube-Text-Table
- Map-Tube-Tokyo
- Map-Tube-Vienna
- Map-Tube-Warsaw
- Map-Tube-Yekaterinburg
- Marathon
- MARC-Charset
- MARC-Loader
- marc-mir
- marc-mir-template
- MARC-Record
- MARC-Record-Generic
- MARC-Transform
- Markapl
- Markdent
- Marpa
- Marpa-HTML
- Marpa-PP
- Marpa-R2
- Marpa-R3
- Marpa-XS
- MarpaX-Lex-Easy
- Mason
- Mason-Plugin-PSGIHandler
- Math-Algebra-Symbols
- Math-Base-Convert
- Math-Base85
- Math-BaseCalc
- Math-BaseCnv
- Math-BigInt
- Math-BigInt-FastCalc
- Math-BigInt-GMP
- Math-Calc-Parser
- Math-Calc-Units
- Math-Cartesian-Product
- Math-Cephes
- Math-Clipper
- Math-Combination_out
- Math-Combinatorics
- Math-Complex
- Math-Complex_C
- Math-Complex_C-L
- Math-Decimal128
- Math-Decimal64
- Math-Disarrange-List
- Math-Expression
- Math-Factor-XS
- Math-Fibonacci
- Math-Fibonacci-Phi
- Math-Fractal-Julia
- Math-Fractal-Noisemaker
- Math-Geometry-Construction
- Math-Geometry-Delaunay
- Math-Geometry-Multidimensional
- Math-GMP
- Math-GMPf
- Math-GMPq
- Math-GMPz
- Math-GSL
- Math-Histogram
- math-image
- Math-Int64
- Math-InterpolationCompiler
- Math-Libm
- Math-LongDouble
- Math-Matrix
- Math-Matrix-MaybeGSL
- Math-MatrixReal
- Math-MPFR
- Math-NumSeq
- Math-NumSeq-Alpha
- Math-NV
- Math-OEIS
- Math-Pari
- Math-Permute-List
- Math-PlanePath
- Math-PlanePath-Toothpick
- Math-Polynomial
- Math-Prime-FastSieve
- Math-Prime-Util
- Math-Prime-Util-GMP
- Math-Prime-XS
- Math-PSNR
- Math-Quaternion
- Math-Random
- Math-Random-ISAAC-XS
- Math-Random-MT
- Math-Round
- Math-SigFigs
- Math-Subsets-List
- Math-Transform-List
- Math-Units
- Math-Units-PhysicalValue
- Math-Util-CalculatedValue
- Math-Vector-Real
- Math-Vector-Real-Random
- Math-Vector-Real-XS
- Math-VectorReal
- Math-Window2Viewport
- MBclient
- McBain
- McBain-WithPSGI
- MD5
- MDV-Packdrakeng
- me-inlined
- MealMaster
- Media-DateTime
- MediaWiki-API
- Medical-NHSNumber
- mem
- Memcached-Client
- Memoize-ExpireLRU
- Memory-Process
- Memory-Usage
- Message-Inform
- Message-Match
- Message-Passing
- Message-Passing-Output-ElasticSearch
- Message-Router
- Message-SmartMerge
- Message-Stack-Parser
- Message-String
- Message-Transform
- MessagePack-RPC-HTTP-Client
- Meta-Builder
- Metabase-Client-Simple
- Metabase-Fact
- Metabrik
- MetaCPAN-API-Tiny
- MetaCPAN-Client
- MetaCPAN-Clients
- Method-Signatures-Simple
- Mica
- Microarray-ExprSet
- Microarray-GEO-SOFT
- Microsoft-AdCenter
- MIDI-Perl
- MIDI-Simple-Drummer
- MIDI-Tab
- MIME-Base32
- MIME-Base64
- MIME-Base64-URLSafe
- MIME-Charset
- MIME-EcoEncode
- MIME-EncWords
- MIME-Lite
- MIME-Lite-TT
- MIME-tools
- MIME-Types
- MimeEco
- Minilla
- Minions
- Mixin-Event-Dispatch
- Mixin-Linewise
- Mo
- MobileDetect
- mobirc
- Mock-LWP-Request
- Mock-Person
- Mock-Person-CZ
- Mock-Person-DE
- Mock-Person-EN
- Mock-Person-JP
- Mock-Person-SK
- Mock-Person-SK-ROM
- Mock-Person-SV
- Mock-Quick
- Modern-Perl
- Module-AnyEvent-Helper
- Module-Build
- Module-Build-Bundle
- Module-Build-Pluggable
- Module-Build-Pluggable-CPANfile
- Module-Build-Pluggable-PPPort
- Module-Build-Prereqs-FromCPANfile
- Module-Build-Tiny
- Module-Build-WithXSpp
- Module-Build-Xilinx
- Module-Build-XSUtil
- Module-Collect
- Module-Compile
- Module-CoreList
- Module-CPANfile
- Module-CPANTS-Analyse
- Module-Data
- Module-Depends
- Module-Extract-Namespaces
- Module-Extract-VERSION
- Module-ExtractUse
- Module-Faker
- Module-Find
- Module-Implementation
- Module-Info
- Module-Install
- Module-Install-AuthorTests
- Module-Install-ReadmeFromPod
- Module-Install-Repository
- Module-Install-RTx
- Module-Install-TestTarget
- Module-List
- Module-List-Pluggable
- Module-List-WithPath
- Module-Load
- Module-Locate
- Module-Manifest
- Module-Metadata
- Module-Modular
- Module-New
- Module-Optional
- Module-OTRS-CoreList
- Module-Path
- Module-Pluggable
- Module-Pluggable-Fast
- Module-Reader
- Module-Refresh
- Module-Reload
- Module-Runtime
- Module-Runtime-Conflicts
- Module-ScanDeps
- Module-Setup
- Module-Signature
- Module-Spy
- Module-Starter
- Module-Stubber
- Module-Used
- Module-Util
- Module-Versions
- Module-Want
- MogileFS-Client
- MogileFS-Utils
- Mojolicious
- Mojolicious-Plugin-Angular-MaterialDesign
- Mojolicious-Plugin-Gravatar
- Mojolicious-Plugin-Wolowitz
- MojoX-Dispatcher-Qooxdoo-Jsonrpc
- MojoX-Renderer-TT
- MojoX-Run
- MojoX-Session
- MongoDB
- MongoDBI
- MongoDBx-Bread-Board-Container
- MongoDBx-Tiny
- Mongoose
- Monitoring-Availability
- Monitoring-Plugin
- Monitoring-TT
- Moo
- Moos
- Moose
- Moose-Autobox
- MooseX-AbstractFactory
- MooseX-Accessors-ReadWritePrivate
- MooseX-Aliases
- MooseX-App-Cmd
- MooseX-Attribute-Chained
- MooseX-Attribute-Deflator
- MooseX-Attribute-ENV
- MooseX-AttributeHelpers
- MooseX-AttributeShortcuts
- MooseX-AttributeTags
- MooseX-AttributeTree
- MooseX-AuthorizedMethods
- MooseX-Blessed-Reconstruct
- MooseX-ChainedAccessors
- MooseX-ClassAttribute
- MooseX-ClassCompositor
- MooseX-Clone
- MooseX-ConfigFromFile
- MooseX-Configuration
- MooseX-ConstructInstance
- MooseX-Constructor-AllErrors
- MooseX-CustomInitArgs
- MooseX-Daemonize
- MooseX-Declare
- MooseX-Deprecated
- MooseX-Emulate-Class-Accessor-Fast
- MooseX-Exception-Base
- MooseX-FollowPBP
- MooseX-Getopt
- MooseX-Getopt-Explicit
- MooseX-Has-Sugar
- MooseX-HasDefaults
- MooseX-InsideOut
- MooseX-LazyRequire
- MooseX-Log-Log4perl
- MooseX-MakeImmutable
- MooseX-Meta-TypeConstraint-ForceCoercion
- MooseX-Meta-TypeConstraint-Mooish
- MooseX-Method-Signatures
- MooseX-MethodAttributes
- MooseX-Modern
- MooseX-NewDefaults
- MooseX-NonMoose
- MooseX-Object-Pluggable
- MooseX-Observer
- MooseX-OneArgNew
- MooseX-Params-Validate
- MooseX-POE
- MooseX-Privacy
- MooseX-Project-Environment
- MooseX-RelatedClasses
- MooseX-RelatedClassRoles
- MooseX-Role-Flyweight
- MooseX-Role-Hashable
- MooseX-Role-Observable
- MooseX-Role-Parameterized
- MooseX-Role-Validatable
- MooseX-Role-WithOverloading
- MooseX-SemiAffordanceAccessor
- MooseX-SetOnce
- MooseX-SimpleConfig
- MooseX-Singleton
- MooseX-SlurpyConstructor
- MooseX-Storage
- MooseX-Storage-Format-JSONpm
- MooseX-StrictConstructor
- MooseX-Test-Role
- MooseX-TraitFor-Meta-Class-BetterAnonClassNames
- MooseX-Traitor
- MooseX-Traits
- MooseX-Traits-Pluggable
- MooseX-TransactionalMethods
- MooseX-Types
- MooseX-Types-Common
- MooseX-Types-DateTime
- MooseX-Types-DateTime-ButMaintained
- MooseX-Types-DateTime-MoreCoercions
- MooseX-Types-DateTime-W3C
- MooseX-Types-ElasticSearch
- MooseX-Types-Email
- MooseX-Types-IO
- MooseX-Types-ISO8601
- MooseX-Types-LoadableClass
- MooseX-Types-Locale-Country
- MooseX-Types-Locale-Language
- MooseX-Types-Moose-MutualCoercion
- MooseX-Types-NumUnit
- MooseX-Types-Parameterizable
- MooseX-Types-Path-Class
- MooseX-Types-Path-Class-MoreCoercions
- MooseX-Types-Path-Tiny
- MooseX-Types-Perl
- MooseX-Types-PortNumber
- MooseX-Types-Set-Object
- MooseX-Types-Stringlike
- MooseX-Types-Structured
- MooseX-Types-URI
- MooseX-Types-UUID
- MooseX-Types-Vehicle
- MooseX-Types-XMLSchema
- MooseX-UndefTolerant
- MooseX-Util
- MooseX-WithCache
- MooseX-YAML
- MooX
- MooX-Aliases
- MooX-ChainedAttributes
- MooX-ClassAttribute
- MooX-Cmd
- MooX-ConfigFromFile
- MooX-File-ConfigDir
- MooX-HandlesVia
- MooX-HasEnv
- MooX-late
- MooX-Log-Any
- MooX-Lsub
- MooX-Role-DependsOn
- MooX-Roles-Pluggable
- MooX-StrictConstructor
- MooX-Struct
- MooX-Traits
- MooX-Types-MooseLike
- MooX-Types-MooseLike-Email
- MooX-Types-MooseLike-Numeric
- MooX-Value
- MOP4Import
- MorboDB
- Mouse
- MouseX-App-Cmd
- MouseX-AttributeHelpers
- MouseX-Foreign
- MouseX-Getopt
- MouseX-NativeTraits
- MouseX-Role-Loggable
- MouseX-Traits
- MouseX-Types
- MouseX-Types-DateTime
- Mozilla-CA
- Mozilla-PublicSuffix
- MozRepl
- MozRepl-RemoteObject
- MP3-Info
- MR-Tarantool
- MRO-Compat
- mRuby
- Muldis-D
- multidimensional
- Music-Duration
- Music-Interval-Barycentric
- MySQL-Admin
- MySQL-Binlog_RBR_Data
- MySQL-DateFormat
- MySQL-Sandbox
- MzML-Parser
- Nagios-Scrape
- namespace-autoclean
- namespace-clean
- namespace-sweep
- Narwhal
- Nephia
- Nephia-Plugin-JSON
- Nephia-Plugin-ResponseHandler
- Nephia-Plugin-View-MicroTemplate
- Nephia-Setup-Plugin-Assets-Bootstrap
- Nephia-Setup-Plugin-Assets-JQuery
- Nephia-Setup-Plugin-Relax
- Net-Abuse-Utils-Spamhaus
- Net-Airbrake
- Net-Amazon-EC2
- Net-Amazon-EMR
- Net-Amazon-Route53
- Net-Amazon-Signature-V3
- Net-Amazon-Signature-V4
- Net-AMQP
- Net-AMQP-RabbitMQ
- Net-APNS
- Net-APNs-Extended
- Net-Async-HTTP
- Net-BGP
- Net-Braintree
- Net-BrowserID-Verify
- Net-Bullfinch
- Net-CampaignMonitor
- Net-CIDR-Lite
- Net-CIMD
- Net-CLI-Interact
- Net-CloudStack
- Net-Continental
- Net-Curl
- Net-Curl-Simple
- Net-Daemon
- Net-DAS
- Net-Detect
- Net-DHCP
- Net-Dict
- Net-Disqus
- Net-DNS
- Net-DNS-Codes
- Net-DNS-Lite
- Net-DNS-Native
- Net-DNS-Paranoid
- Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable
- Net-DNS-SPF-Expander
- Net-DNS-ToolKit
- Net-Domain-ExpireDate
- Net-Domain-Match
- Net-Domain-Regex
- Net-Domain-TLD
- Net-Douban
- Net-EPP
- Net-EPP-Registry-Nominet
- Net-Evernote
- Net-Facebook-Oauth2
- Net-Fastly
- Net-Frame
- Net-Frame-Layer-Syslog
- Net-Frame-Layer-UDPLite
- Net-Frame-Simple
- Net-FTP-Recursive-AutoReconnect
- Net-Gearman-Administrative
- Net-GitHub
- Net-Gnats
- Net-Google-Analytics
- Net-Google-AuthSub
- Net-Google-DataAPI
- Net-Google-FederatedLogin
- Net-Graphite-Reader
- Net-Hadoop-DFSAdmin-ReportParser
- Net-Hadoop-HuahinManager
- Net-Hadoop-WebHDFS
- Net-HTTP
- Net-HTTP-Client
- Net-HTTP-Spore
- Net-HTTP-Spore-Middleware-DefaultParams
- Net-HTTP-Tiny
- Net-HTTPS-Any
- Net-HTTPServer
- Net-IDN-Encode
- Net-IDN-Nameprep
- Net-ILO
- Net-IMAP-Server
- Net-IMAP-Simple
- Net-IP
- Net-IP-Identifier
- Net-IP-LPM
- Net-IP-Minimal
- Net-IPv4Addr
- Net-IPv6Addr
- Net-ISP-Balance
- Net-LDAP-Server
- Net-LDAP-Server-Test
- Net-LibResolv
- Net-MQTT
- Net-MySQL
- Net-NBsocket
- Net-Netmask
- Net-NfDump
- Net-NicoVideo
- Net-NSCA-Client
- Net-NTP
- Net-OATH-Server
- Net-OAuth
- Net-OAuth-Yahoo
- Net-OAuth2
- Net-OnlineCode
- Net-OpenID-Common
- Net-OpenID-Consumer
- Net-OpenID-Server
- Net-OpenNebula
- Net-OpenSRS-OMA
- Net-OpenSSH
- Net-OpenSSH-Compat
- Net-OpenVPN-TrayIcon
- Net-Payjp
- Net-PhotoBackup-Server
- Net-Ping
- Net-PMP
- Net-Presto
- Net-RabbitFoot
- Net-Rendezvous-Publish
- Net-Riak
- Net-RIR_CC
- Net-RNDC
- Net-SCP
- Net-Server
- Net-Server-Coro
- Net-Server-Mail
- Net-Server-Mail-ESMTP-STARTTLS
- Net-SFTP-Foreign
- Net-Sieve
- Net-SIP
- Net-SMS-Cellsynt
- Net-SMTP-Bulk
- Net-SMTP-TLS-ButMaintained
- Net-SMTP_auth
- Net-SNMP
- Net-SNMP-QueryEngine-AnyEvent
- Net-SNMP-Util
- Net-SNMPTrapd
- Net-SNTP-Client
- Net-SNTP-Server
- Net-Squid-Auth-Plugin-SimpleLDAP
- Net-SSH
- Net-SSH-Expect
- Net-SSH2
- Net-SSLeay
- Net-SSLGlue
- Net-Stomp
- Net-STOMP-Client
- Net-Stomp-MooseHelpers
- Net-Stomp-Producer
- Net-SugarCRM
- Net-Syslogd
- Net-Telnet
- Net-Telnet-Cisco
- Net-TFTP
- Net-TFTPd
- Net-Twitter
- Net-Twitter-Lite
- Net-VKontakte-Standalone
- Net-WebSocket-Server
- Net-Whois-Raw
- Net-Write-Fast
- Net-xFTP
- Net-XIPCloud
- Net-ZooTool
- NetAddr-IP
- NetAddr-MAC
- Netflow-Parser
- NetSDS-Util
- NexStarCtl
- Nginx-FastCGI-Cache
- Nitesi
- No-Worries
- Norikra-Client
- note
- Number-Bytes-Human
- Number-Compare
- Number-Convert-Roman
- Number-Format
- Number-Format-FixedLocale
- Number-Format-SouthAsian
- Number-FormatEng
- Number-Misc
- Number-Phone
- Number-Phone-FR
- Number-Phone-JP
- Number-Range
- Number-Tolerant
- Number-ZipCode-JP
- nvidia-ml-pl
- OAI-Harvester
- OAuth-Cmdline
- OAuth-Lite
- OAuth-Lite2
- Object-By
- Object-Container
- Object-Declare
- Object-Destroyer
- Object-DOES
- Object-Enum
- Object-Event
- Object-ID
- Object-Import
- Object-InsideOut
- Object-Pluggable
- Object-Properties
- Object-Role
- Object-Signature
- Object-Simple
- Object-String
- Object-Tiny
- Object-Tiny-Lvalue
- Object-Tiny-XS
- oEdtk
- OIDC-Lite
- OLE-Storage_Lite
- Olson-Abbreviations
- OODoc
- OODoc-Template
- Opcodes
- OpenDNS-MyIP
- OpenGuides
- Opsview-REST
- OptArgs
- optimizer
- opts
- OrePAN2
- Orignal
- ORLite
- ORLite-Migrate
- ORLite-Mirror
- Ossec-Log-Parse
- OTRS-OPM-Maker
- Ouch
- Outthentic
- Outthentic-DSL
- Package-DeprecationManager
- Package-Locator
- Package-New
- Package-Pkg
- Package-Stash
- Package-Stash-XS
- Package-Subroutine
- Package-Variant
- PadWalker
- Palm
- Palm-Magellan-NavCompanion
- Palm-PDB
- Panda-Install
- Pandoc-Elements
- Pango
- pantheon
- Paper-Specs
- PAR-Dist
- PAR-Packer
- Parallel-ForkManager
- Parallel-Iterator
- Parallel-MPM-Prefork
- Parallel-Prefork
- Parallel-Runner
- Parallel-Scoreboard
- Params-Callbacks
- Params-Classify
- Params-Coerce
- Params-Smart
- Params-Util
- Params-Validate
- Params-Validate-Array
- Parcel-Track
- Parcel-Track-KR-PostOffice
- parent
- Parse-BBCode
- Parse-Binary
- Parse-CPAN-Distributions
- Parse-CPAN-Meta
- Parse-CPAN-Packages
- Parse-CPAN-Packages-Fast
- Parse-CPAN-Perms
- Parse-CPAN-Whois
- Parse-Daemontools-Service
- Parse-Debian-PackageDesc
- Parse-Dexcom-Tab
- Parse-Dia-SQL
- Parse-EDID
- Parse-ErrorString-Perl
- Parse-ExuberantCTags
- Parse-GutenbergRoget
- Parse-JapanesePostalCode
- Parse-LocalDistribution
- Parse-Lotus123-WK4
- Parse-Lotus123-WK4-0
- Parse-Matroska
- Parse-Method-Signatures
- Parse-MIME
- Parse-Perl
- Parse-PMFile
- Parse-RecDescent
- Parse-Stata-DtaReader
- Parse-Stata-DtaReader-0
- Parse-Syslog-Line
- Parse-Taxonomy
- Parse-Yapp
- ParseLex
- Parser-AAMVA-License
- Parser-MGC
- ParseTemplate
- ParseUtil-Domain
- Passwd-Keyring-Auto
- Passwd-Keyring-Gnome
- Passwd-Keyring-KDEWallet
- Passwd-Keyring-Memory
- Passwd-Keyring-OSXKeychain
- Path-Class
- Path-Class-File-Lockable
- Path-Class-File-Stat
- Path-Class-URI
- Path-Dispatcher
- Path-FindDev
- Path-IsDev
- Path-Resolver
- Path-Router
- Path-ScanINC
- Path-Tiny
- PAUSE-Packages
- PBKDF2-Tiny
- PDF-API2-Tweaks
- PDF-Create
- PDF-Reuse
- PDF-Reuse-Barcode
- PDF-Table
- PDF-WebKit
- PDL-Graphics-PLplot
- PDL-VectorValued
- Pegex
- Pegex-Chess
- Pegex-JSON
- Perl-APIReference
- Perl-Build
- Perl-Builtins
- Perl-Critic
- Perl-Critic-Bangs
- Perl-Critic-Compatibility
- Perl-Critic-Deprecated
- Perl-Critic-Dynamic
- Perl-Critic-Git
- Perl-Critic-Itch
- Perl-Critic-Lax
- Perl-Critic-logicLAB
- Perl-Critic-Lokku
- Perl-Critic-Moose
- Perl-Critic-More
- Perl-Critic-Nits
- Perl-Critic-OTRS
- Perl-Critic-PetPeeves-JTRAMMELL
- Perl-Critic-Policy-CodeLayout-ProhibitSpaceIndentation
- Perl-Critic-Policy-CodeLayout-TabIndentSpaceAlign
- Perl-Critic-Policy-Dynamic-NoIndirect
- Perl-Critic-Policy-logicLAB-ProhibitShellDispatch
- Perl-Critic-Policy-logicLAB-ProhibitUseLib
- Perl-Critic-Policy-logicLAB-RequirePackageNamePattern
- Perl-Critic-Policy-logicLAB-RequireSheBang
- Perl-Critic-Policy-logicLAB-RequireVersionFormat
- Perl-Critic-Policy-References-ProhibitComplexDoubleSigils
- Perl-Critic-Policy-Variables-ProhibitUnusedVarsStricter
- Perl-Critic-Pulp
- Perl-Critic-RENEEB
- Perl-Critic-Storable
- Perl-Critic-StricterSubs
- Perl-Critic-Swift
- Perl-Critic-Tics
- Perl-Destruct-Level
- Perl-Dist-Strawberry
- perl-ldap
- Perl-Meta
- Perl-Metrics-Simple
- Perl-MinimumVersion
- Perl-osnames
- Perl-OSType
- Perl-PrereqScanner
- Perl-PrereqScanner-Lite
- Perl-Tidy
- Perl-ToPerl6
- Perl-Version
- perl5
- Perl5-Spartanic
- Perl5-Spartanic-0-110
- perl5i
- Perl6-Export
- Perl6-Export-Attrs
- Perl6-Junction
- Perl6-PVIP
- Perl6-Slurp
- Perl6-Str
- perlbench
- perlfaq
- perlindex
- PerlIO-fgets
- PerlIO-gzip
- PerlIO-Layers
- PerlIO-locale
- PerlIO-utf8_strict
- PerlIO-via-dynamic
- PerlIO-via-Timeout
- PerlMagick
- perlsecret
- PerlX-Maybe
- PerlX-Maybe-XS
- Petal
- Pg-Explain
- PGObject
- PGP-Finger
- PHP-HTTPBuildQuery
- PHP-Serialization
- PHP-Serialization-XS
- Physics-Unit
- PICA-Record
- Pickles
- PID-File
- PidFile
- Pinto
- Pinto-Common
- Pinto-Remote
- Pinto-Server
- Pistachio
- Pithub
- PkgConfig
- Plack
- Plack-App-DAIA
- Plack-App-DummyBox
- Plack-App-GitSmartHttp
- Plack-App-MCCS
- Plack-App-Path-Router
- Plack-App-PHPCGI
- Plack-App-Proxy
- Plack-App-PubSubHubbub-Subscriber
- Plack-App-REST
- Plack-App-TemplateToolkit
- Plack-Builder-Conditionals
- Plack-Client
- Plack-Debugger
- Plack-Middleware-Bootstrap
- Plack-Middleware-Cache
- Plack-Middleware-Cache-CHI
- Plack-Middleware-ComboLoader
- Plack-Middleware-CSRFBlock
- Plack-Middleware-DBIC-QueryLog
- Plack-Middleware-Debug
- Plack-Middleware-Debug-CatalystStash
- Plack-Middleware-Debug-Notepad
- Plack-Middleware-Deflater
- Plack-Middleware-ETag
- Plack-Middleware-FixMissingBodyInRedirect
- Plack-Middleware-GNUTerryPratchett
- Plack-Middleware-Header
- Plack-Middleware-HTMLLint
- Plack-Middleware-HubSignature
- Plack-Middleware-JSON-ForBrowsers
- Plack-Middleware-LimitRequest
- Plack-Middleware-MethodOverride
- Plack-Middleware-ModuleInfo
- Plack-Middleware-NeverExpire
- Plack-Middleware-OAuth
- Plack-Middleware-Precompressed
- Plack-Middleware-ProxyMap
- Plack-Middleware-PyeLogger
- Plack-Middleware-Recorder
- Plack-Middleware-RemoveRedundantBody
- Plack-Middleware-ReverseProxy
- Plack-Middleware-ReverseProxyPath
- Plack-Middleware-Rewrite
- Plack-Middleware-ServerStatus-Lite
- Plack-Middleware-Session
- Plack-Middleware-Session-SerializedCookie
- Plack-Middleware-StackTrace-RethrowFriendly
- Plack-Middleware-Static-Minifier
- Plack-Middleware-TemplateToolkit
- Plack-Middleware-UseChromeFrame
- Plack-Middleware-WURFL-ScientiaMobile
- Plack-Middleware-XFrameOptions-All
- Plack-Request-WithEncoding
- Plack-Session-State-URI
- Plack-Test-ExternalServer
- Plucene
- Pod-Abstract
- Pod-Constants
- Pod-Coverage
- Pod-Coverage-Moose
- Pod-Coverage-TrustPod
- Pod-Elemental
- Pod-Elemental-PerlMunger
- Pod-Elemental-Transformer-List
- Pod-Elemental-Transformer-Verbatim
- Pod-Elemental-Transformer-WikiDoc
- Pod-Escapes
- Pod-Eventual
- Pod-Generate-Recursive
- Pod-HtmlEasy
- Pod-L10N
- Pod-Loom
- Pod-Markdown
- Pod-Markdown-Passthrough
- Pod-Minicpandoc
- Pod-MinimumVersion
- Pod-Parser
- Pod-Perldoc
- Pod-POM
- Pod-POM-Web
- Pod-Readme
- Pod-Server
- Pod-Simple
- Pod-Simple-Data
- Pod-Simple-Text-Termcap
- Pod-Simple-Wiki
- Pod-Spell
- Pod-Spell-CommonMistakes
- Pod-Spelling
- Pod-Spelling-CommonMistakes
- Pod-Strip
- Pod-Usage
- Pod-Weaver
- Pod-Weaver-Plugin-Encoding
- Pod-Weaver-Plugin-StopWords
- Pod-Weaver-PluginBundle-Author-VDB
- Pod-Weaver-PluginBundle-FLORA
- Pod-Weaver-Section-SQL
- Pod-Weaver-Section-Support
- Pod-Webserver
- Pod-WikiDoc
- Pod-Wordlist-hanekomu
- Pod-Wrap
- Pod-Xhtml
- POD2-Base
- podlators
- podlinkcheck
- POE-API-Peek
- POE-Component-Client-AMQP
- POE-Component-Client-DNS
- POE-Component-Client-DNSBL
- POE-Component-Client-eris
- POE-Component-Client-HTTP
- POE-Component-Client-Keepalive
- POE-Component-Client-NRPE
- POE-Component-Client-Ping
- POE-Component-Client-SimpleFTP
- POE-Component-Client-TCPMulti
- POE-Component-Client-Whois
- POE-Component-CPAN-SQLite-Info
- POE-Component-Curl-Multi
- POE-Component-DHCP-Monitor
- POE-Component-EasyDBI
- POE-Component-FastCGI
- POE-Component-ICal
- POE-Component-IRC
- POE-Component-IRC-Plugin-CPAN-Info
- POE-Component-IRC-Plugin-QueryDNS
- POE-Component-IRC-Plugin-QueryDNSBL
- POE-Component-NonBlockingWrapper-Base
- POE-Component-Pastebin
- POE-Component-Pluggable
- POE-Component-Resolver
- POE-Component-Schedule
- POE-Component-Server-NRPE
- POE-Component-Server-POP3
- POE-Component-SimpleDBI
- POE-Component-SSLify
- POE-Component-Syndicator
- POE-Declare
- POE-Declare-HTTP-Server
- POE-Filter-IRCD
- POE-Filter-IRCv3
- POE-Filter-SSL
- POE-Filter-XML
- POE-Quickie
- POE-Test-Loops
- POEx-IRC-Backend
- POSIX-Open3
- POSIX-RT-SharedMem
- POSIX-RT-Spawn
- POSIX-RT-Timer
- POSIX-strftime-Compiler
- POSIX-strftime-GNU
- PostScript-File
- PostScript-Font
- Power-Outlet
- PPI-Transform-Sequence
- PPIx-EditorTools
- PPIx-Refactor
- PPIx-Regexp
- PPIx-Shorthand
- PPIx-Utilities
- pQuery
- prefork
- Probe-Perl
- Proc-ChildError
- Proc-Daemon
- Proc-FastSpawn
- Proc-Fork
- Proc-Guard
- Proc-InvokeEditor
- Proc-PersistentControl
- Proc-PID-File
- Proc-PidFile-Info
- Proc-PidUtil
- Proc-ProcessTable
- Proc-Swarm
- Proc-SyncExec
- Proc-Terminator
- Proc-Wait3
- Process-SizeLimit-Core
- Process-Status
- Project-Environment
- Promises
- Prosody
- Protocol-HTTP2
- Protocol-Modbus
- Protocol-Redis
- Protocol-WebSocket
- PSGI-Hector
- Pye
- Pye-MongoDB
- Pye-SQL
- PYX-Hist
- PYX-Sort
- PYX-Utils
- PYX-XMLSchema-List
- Queue-Base
- Queue-DBI
- Queue-Gearman
- Queue-Q
- Quietly-Confident
- Quiki
- Quota
- RackMan
- RadioMobile
- RapidApp
- Rcs-Parser
- RDF-Query-Client
- RDF-Trine
- Readonly
- recommended
- Reddit-Client
- Redis
- Redis-AOF-Tail-File
- Redis-Cluster
- Redis-Dump
- Redis-Fast
- Redis-hiredis
- Redis-Queue
- RedisDB
- RedisDB-Parser
- Ref-Store
- Reflex
- Regexp-Assemble
- Regexp-Assemble-Compressed
- Regexp-Common
- Regexp-Common-Email-Address
- Regexp-Common-net-CIDR
- Regexp-Common-Other
- Regexp-IPv6
- Regexp-RegGrp
- Regexp-VerbalExpressions
- relative
- Reprepro-Uploaders
- Resque
- REST-Client
- Rest-Client-Builder
- REST-Cypher
- REST-Neo4p
- Retry
- Return-MultiLevel
- Return-Value
- Rex
- Rex-Apache-Deploy
- Rhetoric
- Rhetoric-Theme-SandStone
- Riap
- Rinci
- Rinci-Schema
- RiveScript
- rlib
- RocksDB
- Role-Basic
- Role-EventEmitter
- Role-HasMessage
- Role-Identifiable
- Role-Multiton
- Role-Tiny
- Roman
- Rose-DateTime
- Rose-DB
- Rose-DB-Object
- Rose-DBx-MoreConfig
- Rose-DBx-Object-MakeMethods-EKSBlowfish
- Rose-DBx-TestDB
- Rose-HTML-Objects
- Rose-Object
- Rose-ObjectX-CAF
- Rose-URI
- Router-Boom
- Router-Simple
- Router-Simple-Sinatraish
- RPC-ExtDirect
- RPC-ExtDirect-Server
- RT-Client-CLI
- Runner-Init
- Safe
- Safe-Isa
- Sah
- Sailthru-Client
- savelogs
- Scalar-Construct
- Scalar-Defer
- Scalar-Does
- Scalar-IfDefined
- Scalar-Induce
- Scalar-List-Utils
- Scalar-Listify
- Scalar-String
- Scalar-Util-Numeric
- Scalar-Validation
- Schedule-Cron
- Schedule-Cron-Events
- Scope-Cleanup
- Scope-Container
- Scope-Container-DBI
- Scope-Context
- Scope-Guard
- Scope-Upper
- Scrappy
- SDR-Radio-HackRF
- Search-Dict
- Search-Elasticsearch
- Search-Elasticsearch-Async
- Search-Elasticsearch-Cxn-NetCurl
- Search-Elasticsearch-Plugin-Watcher
- Search-GIN
- Search-OpenSearch
- Search-OpenSearch-Server
- Search-Query
- Search-Query-Dialect-Lucy
- Search-QueryParser
- Search-Tools
- SecondLife-DataTypes
- SemVer
- Sentinel
- Sentry-Raven
- Sereal
- Sereal-Decoder
- Sereal-Encoder
- Sereal-Splitter
- Server-Starter
- Session-Storage-Secure
- Session-Token
- Set-Array
- Set-Crontab
- Set-CrossProduct
- Set-Functional
- Set-Infinite
- Set-Light
- Set-Object
- Set-Product
- Set-Relation
- Set-Scalar
- Set-Tiny
- Shardcache-Client
- ShardedKV
- Shell-Cmd
- Shell-Command
- Shell-Config-Generate
- Shell-GetEnv
- Shell-Guess
- Shell-Perl
- Shell-Tools
- ShiftJIS-Regexp
- ShipIt
- Shipment
- Shipwright
- Shuvgey
- Sidekick-Check-Plugin-Defined
- Sidekick-Check-Plugin-Filled
- Signal-Mask
- Signal-Safety
- signatures
- SimpleCall-ChartDirector
- SimpleDBI
- SimpleFlake
- SimpleR-Reshape
- SimpleR-Reshape-ChartData
- SimpleR-Stat
- SimpleXlsx
- Skeletor-Template-Example
- Sledge-Authorizer-BasicAuth
- Sledge-Plugin-DebugScreen
- Smart-Comments
- smokebrew
- SMS-Send
- SMS-Send-Telenor
- SMS-Send-UK-AA
- SNA-Network
- snaked
- SNMP-Extension-PassPersist
- Snowball-Norwegian
- Snowball-Swedish
- SOAP-Data-Builder
- SOAP-Lite
- SOAP-Transport-TCP
- SOAP-XML-Client
- Socket
- Socket-GetAddrInfo
- Socket6
- Softare-Release
- Software-GenoScan
- Software-License
- Software-License-CCpack
- Software-License-ISC
- Software-License-OrLaterPack
- Software-License-PD
- Software-Release
- Solaris-SMF
- Sordid-CGI
- Sort-DataTypes
- Sort-Hash
- Sort-Key
- Sort-Key-IPv4
- Sort-Naturally
- Sort-SQL
- Sort-Versions
- Sphinx-Search
- Spiffy
- Spreadsheet-ConvertAA
- Spreadsheet-CSV
- Spreadsheet-HTML
- Spreadsheet-ParseExcel
- Spreadsheet-ParseExcel-Simple
- Spreadsheet-Perl
- Spreadsheet-Read
- Spreadsheet-WriteExcel
- Spreadsheet-XLSX
- SQL-Abstract
- SQL-Abstract-More
- SQL-Executor
- SQL-Interp
- SQL-Maker
- SQL-Object
- SQL-QueryMaker
- SQL-ReservedWords
- SQL-Script
- SQL-Statement
- SQL-Steno
- SQL-Translator
- SQL-Translator-Producer-PlantUML
- SQLite-Work
- Squatting
- Squatting-On-PSGI
- Starch
- Starch-Plugin-TimeoutStore
- Starch-Store-CHI
- Starlet
- Starlight
- Starlink-AST
- Starlink-ATL
- Starman
- Stash-REST
- Statistics-Autocorrelation
- Statistics-Basic
- Statistics-Data
- Statistics-Descriptive
- Statistics-Distributions
- Statistics-Frequency
- Statistics-Lite
- Statistics-Multtest
- Statistics-QuickMedian
- Statistics-RankCorrelation
- Statistics-Regression
- Statistics-Reproducibility
- Statistics-RserveClient
- Statistics-Sequences
- Statistics-Sequences-Runs
- Statistics-Shannon
- Statistics-Simpson
- Statistics-TheilSenEstimator
- Statistics-TopK
- Statistics-UIDList
- Statistics-Zed
- STF-Dispatcher-PSGI
- Storable-AMF
- Storm
- Stow
- Stream-Buffered
- Strehler
- Strehler-RSS
- Strict-Perl
- strictures
- String-Approx
- String-Base
- String-BufferStack
- String-CamelCase
- String-Clean
- String-Compare-ConstantTime
- String-CRC
- String-CRC32
- String-Diff
- String-Dump
- String-Errf
- String-Escape
- String-Flogger
- String-Format
- String-Formatter
- String-FriendlyID
- String-IRC
- String-Koremutake
- String-Multibyte
- String-Numeric
- String-PerlIdentifier
- String-Random
- String-RewritePrefix
- String-ShellQuote
- String-Tagged
- String-TagString
- String-Template
- String-ToIdentifier-EN
- String-Tokenizer
- String-Trigram
- String-Truncate
- String-TT
- String-Unescape
- String-Unquotemeta
- String-Urandom
- String-UTF8-MD5
- String-Util
- Struct-Dumb
- Stuff
- Sub-Attribute
- Sub-Call-Tail
- Sub-Exporter
- Sub-Exporter-ForMethods
- Sub-Exporter-GlobExporter
- Sub-Exporter-Lexical
- Sub-Exporter-Progressive
- Sub-Identify
- Sub-Infix
- Sub-Install
- Sub-Mage
- Sub-Name
- Sub-NonRole
- Sub-Override
- Sub-Rate
- Sub-Retry
- Sub-Talisman
- Sub-Uplevel
- Submodules
- SudokuTrainer
- Summerset-IsbnConverter
- superclass
- SVG-Calendar
- SVG-Rasterize
- SVG-TT-Graph
- SVN-Access
- SVN-Notify
- swat
- swat-mongodb
- swat-pintod
- Sweet-Home
- SweetPea
- SweetPea-Application
- SweetPea-Cli
- Swim
- Swim-Plugin-badge
- Swim-Plugin-cpan
- SWISH-Filter
- SWISH-Prog
- SWISH-Prog-Lucy
- Syccess
- Symbol-Util
- syntax
- Syntax-Construct
- Syntax-Feature-Gather
- Syntax-Highlight-Engine-Kate
- Syntax-Highlight-Perl
- Syntax-Highlight-Perl-Improved
- Syntax-Keyword-Junction
- Sys-Cmd
- Sys-CPU
- Sys-HostAddr
- Sys-HostIP
- Sys-Hostname-FQDN
- Sys-Hostname-Long
- Sys-Info
- Sys-Info-Base
- Sys-Info-Driver-Unknown
- Sys-Sendfile
- Sys-SigAction
- Sys-Syscall
- Sys-Syslog
- Sysadm-Install
- System-Command
- SysV-Init-Service
- Tags
- Tags-Element
- Tags-Output-Indent
- Tags-Output-LibXML
- Tags-Output-PYX
- Tags-Output-Structure
- Taint-Runtime
- Tangram
- TAP-DOM-Waivers
- TAP-Harness-JUnit
- TAP-Harness-Restricted
- TAP-Parser-SourceHandler-pgTAP
- TAP-SimpleOutput
- TAP3-Tap3edit
- Task-BeLike-FIBO
- Task-Devel-Cover-Recommended
- Task-Dicom
- Task-DualLived
- Task-Error-Pure
- Task-Graph-Reader
- Task-Kensho
- Task-Kensho-Async
- Task-Kensho-CLI
- Task-Kensho-Config
- Task-Kensho-Dates
- Task-Kensho-DBDev
- Task-Kensho-Email
- Task-Kensho-ExcelCSV
- Task-Kensho-Exceptions
- Task-Kensho-Hackery
- Task-Kensho-Logging
- Task-Kensho-ModuleDev
- Task-Kensho-OOP
- Task-Kensho-Scalability
- Task-Kensho-Testing
- Task-Kensho-Toolchain
- Task-Kensho-WebCrawling
- Task-Kensho-WebDev
- Task-Kensho-XML
- Task-Map-Tube-Metro
- Task-Mock-Person
- Task-Tags
- Task-Weaken
- Task-WWW-Search-Antiquarian-Czech
- Tatsumaki
- Telephony-Asterisk-AMI
- Template-AutoFilter
- Template-Caribou
- Template-Context-Cacheable
- Template-Declare
- Template-Flute
- Template-Like
- Template-Plugin-Calendar-Simple
- Template-Plugin-Digest-MD5
- Template-Plugin-Digest-SHA1
- Template-Plugin-Filter-String-Truncate
- Template-Plugin-Gravatar
- Template-Plugin-HTMLMobileJp
- Template-Plugin-JSON-Escape
- Template-Plugin-Lingua-EN-Fractions
- Template-Plugin-Lingua-EN-NameCase
- Template-Plugin-ListMoreUtils
- Template-Plugin-Octets
- Template-Plugin-StashValidate
- Template-Plugin-StringDump
- Template-Plugin-Textile
- Template-Plugin-VMethods
- Template-Preprocessor-TTML
- Template-Provider-FromDATA
- Template-Recall
- Template-Timer
- Template-Tiny
- Template-Toolkit
- Template-Toolkit-Simple
- Template-Twostep
- Teng
- Teng-Plugin-SearchBySQLAbstractMore
- Term-Activity
- Term-ANSIColor
- Term-ANSIColor-Markup
- Term-ANSIColorx-ColorNicknames
- Term-CallEditor
- Term-Choose
- Term-Choose-Util
- Term-Choose-Win32
- Term-Clui
- Term-Colormap
- Term-EditorEdit
- Term-Encoding
- Term-ExtendedColor
- Term-Filter
- Term-FormatColumns
- Term-Highlight
- Term-Menus
- Term-ProgressBar
- Term-ProgressBar-Quiet
- Term-ProgressBar-Simple
- Term-Prompt
- Term-RawInput
- Term-ReadLine
- Term-ReadLine-Perl
- Term-ReadLine-Simple
- Term-Screen
- Term-Screen-Lite
- Term-Shell
- Term-Shell-MultiCmd
- Term-ShellUI
- Term-Size
- Term-Size-Any
- Term-Size-Perl
- Term-Sk
- Term-Spinner
- Term-TablePrint
- Term-TermKey
- Term-TtyRec-Plus
- Term-UI
- TermReadKey
- Test-Aggregate
- Test-AllModules
- Test-API
- Test-Approximate
- Test-Assert
- Test-Assertions
- Test-Attribute-AutoLevel
- Test-Base
- Test-BDD-Cucumber
- Test-BDD-Cucumber-Harness-Nagios
- Test-BinaryData
- Test-Block
- Test-Bomb
- Test-Bot
- Test-Builder-Clutch
- Test-CallCounter
- Test-Carp
- Test-CChecker
- Test-CheckDeps
- Test-CheckManifest
- Test-Class
- Test-Class-Most
- Test-ClassAPI
- Test-Classy
- Test-CleanNamespaces
- Test-Clear
- Test-Cmd
- Test-Command
- Test-Compile
- Test-CPAN-Changes-ReallyStrict
- Test-CPAN-Meta
- Test-CPAN-Meta-YAML
- Test-Data
- Test-Database
- Test-DBIC-Schema-Connector
- Test-DBIx-Class
- Test-Deep
- Test-Deep-JSON
- Test-Deep-JWT
- Test-Deep-Type
- Test-Deep-UnorderedPairs
- Test-DiagINC
- Test-Differences
- Test-Differences-Color
- Test-Dir
- Test-Directory
- Test-Distribution
- Test-Double
- Test-EOL
- Test-Excel
- Test-Exception
- Test-Exception-LessClever
- Test-Expect
- Test-FailWarnings
- Test-Fake-HTTPD
- Test-Fatal
- Test-File
- Test-File-Cleaner
- Test-File-Contents
- Test-File-ShareDir
- Test-Files
- Test-Filesystem
- Test-Fixme
- Test-Flatten
- Test-Fork
- Test-Group
- Test-Harness
- Test-HexDifferences
- Test-HexString
- Test-HTML-Content
- Test-HTML-Differences
- Test-HTML-Form
- Test-HTTP-Response
- Test-HTTP-Server-Simple
- Test-Identity
- Test-InDistDir
- Test-Inter
- Test-Internet
- Test-JSON
- Test-Kwalitee
- Test-LeakTrace
- Test-Lib
- Test-Lives
- Test-LoadAllModules
- Test-LongString
- Test-LWP-MockSocket-http
- Test-LWP-UserAgent
- Test-Manifest
- Test-Map-Tube
- Test-Memcached
- Test-Memory-Cycle
- Test-Method
- Test-MethodFixtures
- Test-MinimumVersion
- Test-Mock-Apache2
- Test-Mock-Cmd
- Test-Mock-Furl
- Test-Mock-Guard
- Test-Mock-HTTP-Tiny
- Test-Mock-LWP
- Test-Mock-LWP-Conditional
- Test-Mock-LWP-Dispatch
- Test-Mock-LWP-UserAgent-ButAwesome
- Test-Mock-Recorder
- Test-Mock-Redis
- Test-Mock-Simple
- Test-MockModule
- Test-MockObject
- Test-MockRandom
- Test-MockTime
- Test-Modern
- Test-Module-Used
- Test-ModuleVersion
- Test-Mojibake
- Test-Moose-More
- Test-More-Behaviour
- Test-More-UTF8
- Test-Most
- Test-mysqld
- Test-Name-FromLine
- Test-Net-LDAP
- Test-Nginx
- Test-NoSmartComments
- Test-NoTabs
- Test-NoTravisEncVars
- Test-NoWarnings
- Test-Number-Delta
- Test-Object
- Test-Output
- Test-Perl-Critic
- Test-Perl-Critic-Progressive
- Test-PerlTidy
- Test-PerlTidy-Concurrent
- Test-Pod
- Test-Pod-Coverage
- Test-Pod-LinkCheck
- Test-Pod-No404s
- Test-Pod-Spelling-CommonMistakes
- Test-POE-Client-TCP
- Test-POE-Server-TCP
- Test-POE-Stopping
- Test-PostgreSQL
- Test-Pretty
- Test-Proto
- Test-Recent
- Test-Refcount
- Test-RemoteServer
- Test-Requires
- Test-Requires-Git
- Test-RequiresInternet
- Test-Role
- Test-Roo
- Test-Routine
- Test-Run
- Test-Run-CmdLine
- Test-Run-Plugin-AlternateInterpreters
- Test-Run-Plugin-BreakOnFailure
- Test-Run-Plugin-ColorFileVerdicts
- Test-Script
- Test-SharedFork
- Test-Simple
- Test-Smoke
- Test-SmokeSTDIO
- Test-Spec
- Test-Spelling
- Test-STF-MockServer
- Test-Stream
- Test-Strict
- Test-SubCalls
- Test-Subs
- Test-SynchHaveWant
- Test-Synopsis
- Test-Sys-Info
- Test-TableDriven
- Test-Tabs
- Test-Taint
- Test-TCP
- Test-TempDir
- Test-TempDir-Tiny
- Test-TestCoverage
- Test-Tester
- Test-Time
- Test-Timer
- Test-TinyMocker
- Test-Trap
- Test-Type
- Test-TypeConstraints
- Test-Unit
- Test-Unit-Lite
- Test-use-ok
- Test-UseAllModules
- Test-utf8
- Test-VariousBits
- Test-VCR-LWP
- Test-Version
- Test-Warn
- Test-Warnings
- Test-Whitespaces
- Test-Without-Module
- Test-Wrapper
- Test-WriteVariants
- Test-WWW-Jasmine
- Test-WWW-Mechanize
- Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst
- Test-WWW-Selenium
- Test-WWW-Selenium-Conversion-IDE
- Test-XML
- Test-XPath
- Test-YAML
- Test-YAML-Meta
- Test-YAML-Valid
- Test2
- TestML
- TestML-Tiny
- TeX-Hyphen
- Text-Affixes
- Text-Aligner
- Text-ASCIITable
- Text-Aspell
- Text-Autoformat
- Text-Balanced
- Text-BlockLayout
- Text-Brew
- Text-Capitalize
- Text-CharWidth
- Text-Clevery
- Text-Clip
- Text-Conversation
- Text-CSV
- Text-CSV-Encoded
- Text-CSV-Hashify
- Text-CSV-Unicode
- Text-CSV_XS
- Text-Delimited
- Text-Demoroniser
- Text-Diff
- Text-DoubleMetaphone_PP
- Text-Extract-MaketextCallPhrases
- Text-FindIndent
- Text-Flow
- Text-Format-Screenplay
- Text-FormatTable
- Text-Fuzzy
- Text-German
- Text-Glob
- Text-Glob-Expand
- Text-Haml
- Text-Hogan
- Text-Hyphen
- Text-Hyphen-RU
- Text-Hyphen-TR
- Text-Iconv
- Text-Levenshtein
- Text-Levenshtein-Damerau
- Text-Levenshtein-Damerau-XS
- Text-LevenshteinXS
- Text-Lorem
- Text-MacroScript
- Text-Markdown
- Text-Markdown-Discount
- Text-Markdown-Hoedown
- Text-Markup
- Text-MediawikiFormat
- Text-MicroMason
- Text-MicroTemplate
- Text-MicroTemplate-DataSection
- Text-MicroTemplate-Extended
- Text-Morse
- Text-MultiMarkdown
- Text-Names
- Text-NeatTemplate
- Text-Ngram
- Text-NSP
- Text-Outdent
- Text-Pangram
- Text-Parts
- Text-Patch
- Text-PDF
- Text-Placeholder
- Text-Pluralize
- Text-Query
- Text-RecordParser
- Text-Reform
- Text-Roman
- Text-Sass
- Text-Sass-XS
- Text-Similarity
- Text-SimpleTable
- Text-SimpleTable-AutoWidth
- Text-Soundex
- Text-SpanningTable
- Text-SpeedyFx
- Text-Sprintf-Named
- Text-TabFile
- Text-Table
- Text-Table-Tiny
- Text-Tabs+Wrap
- Text-TabularDisplay
- Text-TEI-Markup
- Text-Template
- Text-TestBase
- Text-Textile
- Text-Todo
- Text-Trac
- Text-Trim
- Text-Truncate
- Text-Undiacritic
- Text-Unicode-Equivalents
- Text-UnicodeBox
- Text-UnicodeTable-Simple
- Text-Unidecode
- Text-vFile-asData
- Text-VimColor
- Text-VisualWidth-PP
- Text-WagnerFischer
- Text-WikiFormat
- Text-WordGrams
- Text-WrapI18N
- Text-Wrapper
- Text-Xatena
- Text-Xslate
- Text-Xslate-Bridge-MultiMarkdown
- Text-Xslate-Bridge-TT2Like
- TheSchwartz
- Thrall
- Thread-Queue
- Thread-SigMask
- threads
- threads-lite
- threads-posix
- Thrift
- Thrift-XS
- Throwable
- Tie-Array-Iterable
- Tie-Array-Sorted
- Tie-Autotie
- Tie-Cache
- Tie-CArray
- Tie-DataUUID
- Tie-DNS
- Tie-DuckDuckGo
- Tie-EncryptedHash
- Tie-File
- Tie-Handle-Offset
- Tie-Handle-Scalar
- Tie-Handle-TtyRec
- Tie-Hash-Attribute
- Tie-Hash-Check
- Tie-Hash-DBD
- Tie-Hash-Indexed
- Tie-Hash-LRU
- Tie-Hash-MultiKey
- Tie-IxHash
- Tie-RefHash-Weak
- Tie-Restore
- Tie-Scalar-Sticky
- Tie-Simple
- Tie-Sub
- Tie-ToObject
- Tie-Tools
- Tiffany
- Time-Checkpoint
- Time-Checkpoint-Sequential
- Time-Clock
- Time-Crontab
- Time-Duration
- Time-Duration-Concise-Localize
- Time-Duration-Locale
- Time-Duration-Parse
- Time-Elapse
- Time-Elapsed
- Time-ETA
- Time-Format
- Time-HiRes
- Time-HiRes-Value
- Time-Local
- Time-modules
- Time-Moment
- Time-Monotonic
- Time-OlsonTZ-Data
- Time-OlsonTZ-Download
- Time-Out
- Time-ParseDate
- Time-Period
- Time-Piece
- Time-Piece-MySQL
- Time-Piece-Over24
- Time-Precise
- Time-Progress
- Time-Stamp
- Time-Strptime
- Time-TCB
- Time-TCG
- Time-Unix
- Time-UTC
- Time-Verbal
- Time-Warp
- TimeDate
- Timer-Runtime
- Tinker
- Tiny-OpenSSL
- Tiny-YAML
- TinyDNS-Reader
- Tk
- Tk-FreeDesktop-Wm
- Tk-Tree-JSON
- Tk-Xcursor
- Toader
- TOML-Parser
- Tool-Bench
- Trace-Mask
- Trait-Attribute-Derived
- Transmission-Client
- Travel-UK-London-Tube
- Tree
- Tree-Binary
- Tree-DAG_Node
- Tree-DAG_Node-Persist
- Tree-Interval
- Tree-SEMETrie
- Tree-Simple
- Tree-Simple-VisitorFactory
- Tree-Ternary
- Tree-Trie
- Treex-Parser-MSTperl
- Treex-PML
- Try-Tiny
- Try-Tiny-Retry
- TV-ProgrammesSchedules-BBC
- TV-ProgrammesSchedules-Sony
- TV-ProgrammesSchedules-STAR
- Twiggy
- Twilio
- Type-EmailAddress
- Type-Tie
- Type-Tiny
- Types-Path-Tiny
- Types-Serialiser
- Types-URI
- Types-UUID
- Ubic
- Ubic-Service-MongoDB
- UI-KeyboardLayout
- Umask-Local
- UMLS-Interface
- Underscore
- Unexpected
- Unicode-BiDiRule
- Unicode-CaseFold
- Unicode-CheckUTF8
- Unicode-Collate
- Unicode-EastAsianWidth
- Unicode-Escape
- Unicode-Fraction
- Unicode-LineBreak
- Unicode-Map
- Unicode-Map8
- Unicode-MapUTF8
- Unicode-Normalize
- Unicode-Precis
- Unicode-Precis-Preparation
- Unicode-String
- Unicode-Stringprep
- Unicode-Subscript
- Unicode-UTF8
- Unicorn-Manager
- Uniq
- UNIVERSAL-require
- Unix-Mgt
- Unix-PID
- Unix-SavedIDs
- Unix-SearchPathGuess
- Unix-Syslog
- unix2dos
- UR
- URI-cpan
- URI-Encode
- URI-Escape-XS
- URI-fasp
- URI-Fetch
- URI-Find
- URI-Find-Delimited
- URI-Find-Schemeless-Stricter
- URI-Find-Simple
- URI-FromHash
- URI-Query
- URI-Template
- URI-Title
- URI-ws
- URL-Encode
- URL-List
- URL-Normalize
- Urlader
- User
- Util-CommandLine
- UUID-Random
- UUID-Tiny
- v6
- Validate-SPF
- Validate-Tiny
- Validation-Class
- Value-Object
- Var-Extract
- Var-Pairs
- Variable-Magic
- VCS-Lite
- VCS-Lite-Repository
- VCS-Which
- Verilog-Perl
- version
- Version-Compare
- Version-Next
- Version-Requirements
- Video-Delay
- Video-Dumper-QuickTime
- Video-Generator
- Video-Pattern
- Vim-X
- VK-App
- VK-MP3
- VKontakte-API
- VM-Dreamer
- VM-EC2
- VMware-API-LabManager
- VMware-vCloud
- Voting-VoteFairRanking
- Vroom
- Want
- warnings-everywhere
- warnings-illegalproto
- Warnings-Version
- Weather-NOAA-Alert
- Web-Compare
- Web-ComposableRequest
- Web-Detect
- Web-Library
- Web-Library-Bootstrap
- Web-Library-DataTables
- Web-Library-jQuery
- Web-Library-jQueryUI
- Web-Library-UnderscoreJS
- Web-Machine
- Web-Query
- Web-Reactor
- Web-Request
- Web-Scraper
- Web-Util-ExtPaging
- WebDAO
- Webinject
- Weblogic-UserAdmin
- Webqq-Client
- Webqq-Encryption
- WebService-Ares
- WebService-BaseClientRole
- WebService-Blekko
- WebService-Bluga-Webthumb
- WebService-Browshot
- WebService-Careerjet
- WebService-Client
- WebService-Cryptsy
- WebService-DataDog
- WebService-DNSwatch
- WebService-Dropbox
- WebService-Eventful
- WebService-Flattr
- WebService-FogBugz
- WebService-GeoPost-Shipping-API
- WebService-Google-Reader
- WebService-Google-Voice-SendSMS
- WebService-HipChat
- WebService-Instapaper
- Webservice-InterMine
- WebService-Linode
- WebService-Mojang-Minecraft-UUIDLookup
- WebService-NationBuilder
- WebService-Nestoria-Search
- WebService-NotifyMyAndroid
- WebService-OANDA-ExchangeRates
- WebService-Rackspace-CloudFiles
- WebService-Reactio
- WebService-RTMAgent
- WebService-Scriptogram
- WebService-Shutterstock
- WebService-Simple
- WebService-Solr
- WebService-SonarQube
- WebService-SOS
- WebService-SSLLabs
- WebService-Syncthing
- Webservice-Trello
- WebService-TVDB
- WebService-TWFY-API
- WebService-UMLSKS-Similarity
- WebService-UrbanDictionary
- WebService-VirusTotal
- Whisper
- Wiki-Toolkit
- Wiki-Toolkit-Formatter-UseMod
- Wiki-Toolkit-Plugin-Categoriser
- Wiki-Toolkit-Plugin-Diff
- Wiki-Toolkit-Plugin-JSON
- Wiki-Toolkit-Plugin-Locator-Grid
- Win32-ExcelSimple
- Win32-Exe
- Win32-Getppid
- Win32-InstallShield
- Win32-Process-Info
- Win32-SecretFile
- Win32-TarUtil
- Win32-Tracert
- WordLists
- Workflow
- WWW-3Taps-API
- WWW-Alexa-TrafficRank
- WWW-Codeguard
- WWW-Crab-Client
- WWW-Curl
- WWW-Curl-Simple
- WWW-Curl-TraceAscii
- WWW-Curl-UserAgent
- WWW-Dict-Leo-Org
- WWW-DreamHost-API
- WWW-DuckDuckGo
- WWW-eNom
- WWW-Expand-More
- WWW-FetchStory
- WWW-Finances-Bovespa
- WWW-FreeProxyListsCom
- WWW-Giraffi-API
- WWW-GitHub-Gist
- WWW-Gmail
- WWW-GoDaddy-REST
- WWW-Google-APIDiscovery
- WWW-Google-Auth-ClientLogin
- WWW-Google-AutoSuggest
- WWW-Google-Buzz
- WWW-Google-C2DM
- WWW-Google-Cloud-Messaging
- WWW-Google-Diacritize
- WWW-Google-PageSpeedOnline
- WWW-Google-Places
- WWW-Google-Time
- WWW-Google-URLShortener
- WWW-Google-UserAgent
- WWW-HTMLTagAttributeCounter
- WWW-Mailchimp
- WWW-Mechanize
- WWW-Mechanize-Cached
- WWW-Mechanize-CGI
- WWW-Mechanize-Firefox
- WWW-Mechanize-FormFiller
- WWW-Mechanize-GZip
- WWW-Mechanize-Sleepy
- WWW-MediaTemple
- WWW-MLite
- WWW-MobileCarrierJP
- WWW-MovieReviews-NYT
- WWW-Netflix-API
- WWW-Ohloh-API
- WWW-Oyster
- WWW-PagerDuty
- WWW-Pastebin-PastebinCa-Create
- WWW-Pastebin-PastebinCom-Create
- WWW-Pastebin-Sprunge
- WWW-Query-UrbanDictionary
- WWW-REST-Simple
- WWW-RobotRules
- WWW-RottenTomatoes
- WWW-Scraper-ISBN
- WWW-Scraper-ISBN-Amazon_Driver
- WWW-Scraper-ISBN-BarnesNoble_Driver
- WWW-Scraper-ISBN-Blackwell_Driver
- WWW-Scraper-ISBN-BookDepository_Driver
- WWW-Scraper-ISBN-Bookstore_Driver
- WWW-Scraper-ISBN-Driver
- WWW-Scraper-ISBN-EdenBooks_Driver
- WWW-Scraper-ISBN-Foyles_Driver
- WWW-Scraper-ISBN-GoogleBooks_Driver
- WWW-Scraper-ISBN-Pearson_Driver
- WWW-Scraper-ISBN-Record
- WWW-Scraper-ISBN-Wheelers_Driver
- WWW-Scraper-ISBN-WordPower_Driver
- WWW-Scraper-ISBN-Yahoo_Driver
- WWW-Search
- WWW-Search-Antikvariat11CZ
- WWW-Search-AntikvariatJudaicaCZ
- WWW-Search-Ebay
- WWW-Search-GalerieIlonkaCZ
- WWW-Search-KacurCZ
- WWW-Search-MelcerCZ
- WWW-Search-MSN
- WWW-Search-ValentinskaCZ
- WWW-Search-Yandex
- WWW-ShipStation
- WWW-Shopify
- WWW-Shorten
- WWW-Shorten-Akari
- WWW-Shorten-iiipe
- WWW-Shorten-MahewinSexyUrl
- WWW-Shorten-Safe
- WWW-Sitemap-Simple
- WWW-Sitemap-XML
- WWW-Sixpack
- WWW-Socrata
- WWW-SourceForge
- WWW-Telegram-BotAPI
- WWW-Tumblr
- WWW-Twilio-API
- WWW-Twitpic-Fetch
- WWW-Txodds
- WWW-UserAgent-Random
- WWW-Weather-Yahoo
- WWW-XBoxLive
- WWW-Xunlei
- WWW-YahooJapan-Baseball
- WWW-YouTube-Download
- Wx
- X11-Protocol
- X11-WMCtrl
- Xen-API
- XLS-Simple
- XML-Amazon
- XML-Atom
- XML-Atom-SimpleFeed
- XML-Bare
- XML-Builder
- XML-CanonicalizeXML
- XML-Catalog
- XML-CommonNS
- XML-CompactTree
- XML-Compile
- XML-Compile-C14N
- XML-Compile-Cache
- XML-Compile-SOAP
- XML-Compile-Tester
- XML-Compile-WSS
- XML-Compile-WSS-Signature
- XML-Conf
- XML-DoubleEncodedEntities
- XML-DT-Sequence
- XML-DTDParser
- XML-Dumper
- XML-Easy
- XML-Feed
- XML-FeedPP
- XML-Filter-DOMFilter-LibXML
- XML-Flow
- XML-Generator
- XML-Hash-XS
- XML-Liberal
- XML-LibXML-Iterator
- XML-LibXML-PrettyPrint
- XML-LibXML-Simple
- XML-MinWriter
- XML-Namespace
- XML-NamespaceFactory
- XML-NamespaceSupport
- XML-NodeFilter
- XML-Parsepp
- XML-Parser
- XML-Parser-Lite
- XML-Parser-Lite-Tree
- XML-Rabbit
- XML-RegExp
- XML-RSS-JavaScript
- XML-Rules
- XML-SAX-Base
- XML-SAX-Expat
- XML-SemanticDiff
- XML-Simple
- XML-Spice
- xml-tag
- XML-Tidy
- XML-Tiny
- XML-Tiny-Simple
- XML-TreeBuilder
- XML-TreePP
- XML-Twig
- XML-Writer
- XML-XPath
- XML-XPathEngine
- XMLRPC-Transport-HTTP-Server
- Xporter
- XS-Object-Magic
- Yaadgom
- YAML-Old
- YAML-Pegex
- YAML-Syck
- YAML-Tiny
- Yandex-Tools
- YellowBot-API
- Zabbix-API
- ZMQ-Constants
- Zoidberg